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Showing posts with the label Pro-Life

Not Suitable for Children

By Angela Wittman How many children must suffer? How many hearts must be broken? How many girls and boys will contract STDs? How many babies will be murdered via abortion? Once again, I must stress the importance of parents investigating any and all sex education their child is receiving; this includes all government, private, Christian and Parochial schools, as well as Church and other youth groups/clubs/organizations. Week after week, on Wednesday afternoons during the summer of this year, I watched parents drop off their precious children at the baby-killing Planned Parenthood abortion mill in St. Louis, Missouri to receive sexual activity instructions . Year after year, when I served on the Waterloo, Illinois school board (1995 - 2000), a group of concerned citizens and myself begged the administrators to stop teaching comprehensive sex ed, and year after year they continued to allow it to be taught in the high school. This continued even though we presented them with evidence that

It's a Baby!

By Angela Wittman Dear Friends, Have you heard the lie that when a woman is in the early stages of pregnancy the baby she is carrying is not viable, and is nothing more than a blood clot or a clump of cells? This is the picture those who profit from the murder of children while in the womb try to paint. They do this to dehumanize the child, and to deceive the ignorant into thinking they are not performing a heinous crime, but a necessary “procedure” on behalf of poor, helpless women. My prayer is to help shine light on this darkness, which is destroying our nation. I often see fathers and mothers drive into Planned Parenthood staring straight ahead as though we are not visible to them while standing on the sidewalk with our literature and signs. They often avert their eyes in an effort to avoid seeing the pictures of an aborted baby, which has been torn apart, and to also not make eye contact with us, as we are a witness to the murder of their child. I also see women covering their eye

400,000 Frozen Human Embryos

By Angela Wittman Dear Friends, I remember as a child spending lazy summer afternoons reading The Adventures of Superman, and other science fiction comic books with my older brother. We would save up our allowance, and my brother would walk to the local quick shop to buy us ice cream bars and comic books. I can also remember the time he regretfully bought the most gruesome comic about some mad scientist conducting experiments on unsuspecting human beings. We both agreed the comic was a waste of money, and not to our liking at all... It never entered my mind that I would see a similar horror story become reality as an adult. I am referring to the barbaric Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act passed in Congress by a vote of 238 - 194. One can only wonder what our Representatives are thinking? This act allows approximately 400,000 frozen human being embryos to be used for research. It reminds me of some old black and white jungle movie where a cannibalistic tribe captures unsuspecting

Street Report from Forest Park and Boyle Avenues, St. Louis, Missouri

May 25, 2005 Dear Pro-life friends, Praise the LORD for Mike Kaul, the man who stands in front of Planned Parenthood in St. Louis on Wednesdays as he is a street minister. He is teaching me how to share the Gospel on the streets. Also, another woman will soon be joining us on Wednesday afternoons at PP. I am glad of this. We can use all the help the LORD sends, especially between 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. We are in need of literature to distribute; if you happen to have some extra pro-life brochures, they will be most appreciated and used wisely. I also need some information for the women in my classes. You can contact me for my address. Today was a slow day at PP (praise the LORD); I was admonished by the director of PP to not get on their grass. : ) I think their losing 4 clients last week must have aggravated her a bit. I am wearing my scrubs to witness, as more cars will stop for literature. Mike's signs are very powerful as the women driving in actually cover their eyes! Two black wome

The Harvest is Great

By Angela Wittman Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few:pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.(Luke 10:2 KJV) May 18, 2005 Today was my first day witnessing at Planned Parenthood in St. Louis on a Wednesday afternoon with Mike Kaul. Mike had approximately a half dozen large signs displayed along the sidewalk in front of PP; most were aborted baby signs. We began witnessing around 1:20 (as pp does not open until 1:30 p.m. on Wednesdays.) I handed out brochures while Mike wrote down license numbers (this is to keep track of how long a woman stays, and we can then kind of know if she was there long enough to abort, or was getting contraception.) At 1:20 p.m. a beautiful young black girl (14 or 15 yrs. old) walked up to the building. She had her Social Studies book with her. I asked her if she was going inside for birth control or a pregnancy test? She said, "A pregnancy test. I think

Sow the Seed

By Angela Wittman But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. (2 Cor. 9:6) Dear Friends, I hope you will find something of worth in this report of my activity and observations while on the street in front of the child killing abortion mill in St. Louis, Missouri: Today is April 22nd. It is approximately 9:30 a.m., and I am at the corner of Forest Park and Boyle Avenue at Planned Parenthood. The last time I came was two weeks ago, and a ranting, raving, aborting man threatened me. So, I have brought a tape recorder, Gospel tracts, an aborted baby sign, and I have the LORD Jesus Christ with all His heavenly hosts surrounding me. --------------------- Today is May 6th, and I am at Planned Parenthood on the corner of Forest Park and Boyle Avenue. It is 9:40 a.m., and so far, there isn’t anyone else here. Because I do respect a friend who has been doing this a whole lot longer than I have (even before I be

Why I am a Christian Independent

By Angela Wittman Dear Friends, It has come to my attention that there is some speculation as to why I resigned my position as the co-chair(lady) of the Constitution Party of Illinois. Let me set the record straight, as there have been false assumptions and presumptions, which leads to deception. My resignation in January of 2005 did not come easily as I had worked tirelessly since the year 2001 to raise awareness of the Constitution Party in Illinois. I spent my spare time attending gun shows, protesting at abortion clinics, attending debates, writing letters "to the editor" of Illinois newspapers and attending public functions and meetings on behalf of the party. I thought I had found a new political home as I had seen the compromise of the Republican party and knew in my heart I could no longer support them or their candidates in good conscience. I then came under scrutiny by some of the National Constitution Party leaders for my religious beliefs. I am under the impressio

Standing in the gap

March 31, 2005 Dear Friends for LIFE, Tomorrow morning I plan to be a witness against murder at the Planned Parenthood death camp in St. Louis, Missouri, (located at the corner of Forest Park and Boyle Avenues.) I will be standing in the gap for the helpless, weak and infirmed -- those whom the social engineers feel are not productive workers and therefore are to be exterminated like vermin. I have read several pleas for a period of fasting and prayer. I think this is good as the LORD spared Nineveh when they turned to Him in repentance with fasting and prayer. But please remember that part of repentance is taking action to not do the things you did before and to do those things which you neglected to do in the past. I pray you will make a commitment now to stand in the gap for the helpless, weak and infirmed. The best place to start is on the sidewalk in front of your local abortuary. If you need encouragement or information, please contact me. If I cannot help you or answer your ques

Saving 'these little ones' in St. Louis

Street Report: St. Louis, Mo. 2.12.05 Dear Friends for LIFE, Praise the LORD for the opportunity to share this street report about the abortion mill [Planned Parenthood] located on Forest Park and Boyle Avenues in St. Louis, Missouri. I am blessed to share this time in service to the LORD with you. At this baby killing facility there are iron bars around the perimeter of the building and parking lot. They try to prevent the customers from hearing and seeing the truth about what goes on inside the building; but the LORD is good and we have access to those pulling in the parking lot, as there is only one point of entry. Lovely Anne, who has been on the streets witnessing against abortion since 1986, greets the potential Planned Parenthood clientele with fresh cut flowers and an armful of Gospel tracts, abortion facts and New Testaments. We also have several saints who hold the graphic aborted baby signs while others stand and pray or distribute literature to those driving down the s

For these little ones

by Angela Wittman "And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward." (Matthew 10:42) Dear Friends for LIFE and Freedom, As I look around at the callous and cold hearts of those committing carnage of humanity called reproductive freedom or choice, I am reminded of the missionary Amy Carmichael and the tract she wrote called "The Cry of the Blood:" The tom-toms thumped on all night, and the darkness shuddered round me like a living, feeling thing. I could not go to sleep, so I lay awake and looked; and it seemed like this: That I stood on a grassy sward, and at my feet a precipice broke sheer down into infinite space. I looked, but saw no bottom; only coiled shapes, black and furiously coiled, and great shadow-shrouded hollows, and unfathomable depths. Back I drew, dizzy at the depth.Then I saw forms of people moving single file along the grass. They were mak

'Ponder the path of your feet...let all your ways be established'

By Angela Wittman "In the November 2004 elections, my plea with Christians is to vote for righteousness, ... The Bible says that righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people [Proverbs 14:34]. If Christians vote for Republicans or Democrats, they are wasting their votes." -- (Steve Lefemine, Director of Columbia Christians for Life ) Dear Friends, I am convinced that to achieve victory in the war against murder of children by abortion, we need to stop being afraid to offend and begin speaking the truth in love. This is how we will transform our culture to once more being predominately Christian instead of the multi-cultural, pluralistic and intolerant society the God-haters are constructing. Some will tell you that we must end the murder of the unborn babies incrementally...I disagree. I think we need to draw a line in the sand and say we will not support or vote for those candidates who have compromised on the issue of life for babies -- regardless

'Rejoice in the LORD always'

By Angela Wittman "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!"  - Philippians 3:4 "When witnessing on public sidewalks and singing is "criminal" and "disorderly;" when ripping the arms and legs off of children is protected by law as "orderly;" then crushing judgment from Lord Jesus will soon destroy our once free nation. When churches get too busy to lift a finger to try to get rid of their local abortuaries, then the lack of fire in our hearts will be repayed with fire from the sky like was hurled down upon Sodom. And Sodom had no Bibles." (Cal Zastrow -- June 28, 2004) Dear Friends, We are commanded by God to rejoice in the Lord always and what better way is there to express our joy than by singing Psalms and hymns of praise to our mighty and glorious God? In fact, Scripture tells us in the book of Ephesians (chapter 5: verse 19) to speak "to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melo

100% Pro-Life: No Exception -- No Compromise

By Angela Wittman " I am a 44 year old woman, who at age 13 had gotten pregnant. That was the year Roe v.Wade came into being. "I was forced to have an abortion. It was a choice that I didn't make. It was chosen for me and I live daily with the pain of having done it. I was almost 6 months along and will never forget what it was like to give birth to a child that was placed in what looked like a Kentucky fried chicken bucket and thrown away. It was a horrible thing. "I am thankful God can forgive me for having allowed them to do this to me. It has taken many years for me to accept God's forgiveness. I pray no young, or older woman would make this choice for herself. Please tell them to place the baby up for adoption; not to go through the terrible experience that stays with you forever. "Please only use my name, June, to express my pain to others. " (  Letter to the editor in the Illinois Leader, 3-29-04) Dear Friends, A child is a unique living individ

Speaking The Truth In Love

By Angela Wittman "Babies are saved and abortion centers are shut down when Christians act like Christians and show love to their neighbors. Many more die due to the apathy of the church. Will you save a child from death this week?" (Dennis Green, Life and Liberty Ministries) "Though the question of when life begins is important to many, the question more representative of today's view is 'what quality of life mandates preservation?' Has the fetus gained a quality of life worthy of preservation? This is a dangerous question, indeed. For who among us, the already-born, can decide such a question? Do we apply this question to every human being? Does a fetus, or even an infant with down syndrome have a quality of life equal to that of a perfectly normal one? These questions lead only to some sort of genetic elitism, and shouldn't even be asked in good conscience. Perhaps the biggest irony encountered when examining those who wish to make abortion a social ju

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

By Angela Wittman While researching material for this article, I came across this harrowing news account of a Chinese couple who had fled China and is now seeking assylum in our country. They were arrested and persecuted in China for resistance to China's coercive population control program. "Li and Yu, an unmarried couple, fled China in 1998 after officials gave Li a forced pregnancy exam. At the exam, she was held down while a doctor examined her "private parts," Li, then 19, said according to court records. "As she yelled, kicked and demanded they release her, she was told she would receive similar tests in the future, and if found pregnant, would be subject to an abortion, Li said. "Her boyfriend, Yu, then 21, could also be sterilized, she said the officials told her. "I was so scared. I was yelling. I was making noises," Li said, according to court documents, adding that officials threatened her, "For the rest of your life you cannot hav

Planned Parenthood In The Classroom

By Angela Wittman As a newly elected school board member in the spring of 1996, I was honored to be caught in the midst of a controversy involving comprehensive sex ed (the teaching of condom use and birth control) and Planned Parenthood materials being used in the high school Adult Living Home Economics class. Some of you may remember the resistance parents encountered when requesting the teaching of abstinence only to students. I am sorry to say that I recently reviewed the materials used in the Waterloo High School Adult Living Class and found that they have not discarded the Planned Parenthood hand-outs. I have been told by the teacher of that class that nothing has changed in the curriculum since I was on school board. This saddens my heart greatly as I have become more aware of the deceptive practices of Planned Parenthood and the immorality they promote. In the year 2000, according to the Planned Parenthood website, the organization performed 197,070 abortions. This is in itself