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Showing posts with the label Book Review

Book Review: 'The Scottish Covenanters' by J.G. Vos

  By Angela Wittman - Posted at : June 14, 2024 ( 4.0 out of 5 stars ) Good Overall History of the Scottish Covenanters For those new to the history of the Scottish Covenanters and the principles they stood for, this book will be helpful. I appreciate the author defining the issues of that time period and the differences of thought among the Covenanters. Many other works skim over their differences, but this book delves into the prevailing circumstances among those who compromised and the ones who remained faithful and strong to the end. I am much more appreciative of the Covenanters and their heritage after reading it. Direct Link:  The Scottish Covenanters - Kindle edition by Vos, J.G.. Kindle eBooks @

Book Review: The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert: Expanded Edition

  The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert: Expanded Edition  Kindle edition by Butterfield, Rosaria Champagne @ By Angela Wittman - Posted at : May 28, 2024 Thought Provoking and Excellent Read  (5 Stars) Once in a while I come across a book that challenges and leaves a lasting impression. This is one of those books and while the author repented of a past of homosexuality, the truths and observations she writes about are common to all of us who come from a background of worldliness into the church. If I may say one thing it's that Christians need to read this and learn from it. When I came to the Reformed Church (RPCNA) it was as though I had entered another world. I remember telling my pastor that it was as though I was in the Twilight Zone as I had become a Christian in a non-denominational church that did not sing Psalms or strictly observe the Regulative Principle. He and his wife were patient and gracious to this ignorant woman and my prayer...

A Review of 'Uniting Church and Family: Observations about the current family crisis'

By Angela Wittman Uniting Church and Family: Observations about the current family crisis by Shawn C. Mathis is a collection of published essays (estimated 112 pages, Kindle edition) about the family integrated church movement and what he calls "unsubstantiated" views expressed by some of the leaders in the homeschooling movement. Shawn Mathis is a homeschooling parent and pastors a reformed church, which gives him a unique perspective of these issues, plus a desire to see these things addressed in truth and with Christian love among those in disagreement. Pastor Mathis states in the introduction that this is a "work of love" and "the result of a homeschooling father who investigated the claims of homeschooling's inherent superiority both in history and in academic testing." And "it is the conclusion of a Presbyterian minister who evaluated the claims of homeschooling and family integrated church revivals." The author goes on to say t...

A discerning look at Ted Weiland's "Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective"

By Angela Wittman I believe I have found within the Scriptures the key to what made America great, and this key can restore her to her former greatness. - Ted Weiland, ( Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution; The Christian Perspective , A couple of years ago Ted Weiland contacted me and asked if he might send me his primer on  Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective . After receiving and reviewing the primer, I decided to toss it in the trash due to the concern that Mr. Weiland was missing a foundational point - Biblical covenanting.  And after recently reviewing his work in greater detail, I believe the reformed and theonomic community should be cautious about Mr. Weiland's book and his beliefs. Due to some glaring "red flags" I encountered while researching Mr. Weiland, I've decided to write this warning and state my concerns. First of a...