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Showing posts with the label Iraq War

Is this any way to treat a lady?

By Angela Wittman "If certain federal lawmakers have their way, your eighteen-year-old daughters will be registered for selective service and drafted for combat by the next war or U.N. "peacekeeping" operation. Should she find herself engaged in an overseas military exercise of any kind, you will be expected to accept as part of her duty, that if captured, she may be shot and gang raped. You will be told that this is the price of freedom which must be equally borne by men and women alike. If this future seems far-fetched, then you may be blind to one of the single greatest socio-cultural changes to occur in the history of West for more than 2,500 years." (The Church Must Oppose the Sin of Women at War, by Douglas W. Phillips, Esq./ Vision Forum Ministries) "To have women serving as soldiers on the battlefield is an abomination in the eyes of God and ought to be an offense to righteous men and women. It is an abandonment of the God-given order for society ...

'Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God.'

By Angela Wittman Dear Friends, [caption id="" align="alignright" width="148"] Saddam Hussein statue falling  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption] There has been much local and national debate about the war in Iraq. It seems we have seen and heard almost every opinion imaginable expressed. We have been bombarded with horrific scenes of bombing, shooting and burning while staying tuned to our television sets. Who can forget the scenes of a blinding sandstorm and the brave men in uniform? I even received a beautiful photo via e-mail of soldiers who had dug a shallow pool in the sand, lined with canvas and filled with water for the sacrament of baptism. May God bless our troops! I have chosen two explicitly Christian responses to the war in Iraq to share with you and, which I pray will give you another view point from which to look at the War. The first is written by Pastor Doug Holmes of Sovereign Grace Church in Coulter, Iowa, who is also an ex-marine. His ...