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Showing posts with the label Psalms

Encouragement for Today: 'Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations.'

Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations. ~ Psalm 90, vs.1 (KJV) Don't underestimate the power of God working through small rural churhes; I remember as a new believer thinking we should be building mega churches to glorify the Lord. But that view has changed down through the years as the good Lord placed me in several small congregations. I'm presently in a small Baptist church near my home in the Missouri Ozarks. We might have had a dozen or so worshippers this past Lord's Day and while we were but a few in attendence, the pastor preached a powerful sermon on Psalm 95. It's a message I will always treasure in my heart. Be encouraged to know God is at work even in unassuming small places. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Psalm 95 (KJV) O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. 2 Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. 3 For the Lord is a great God, and...

Encouragement for Today: Psalm 120A,B

I cried in trouble to the LORD, And He has answered me. From lying lips and crafty tongue, O LORD, my soul set free. What shall be given you, false tongue; What added to your doom? Sharp arrows from a warrior’s bow, And red-hot coals of broom! Alas for me that I’ve sojourned So long in Meshech’s land, That I have made my dwelling where The tents of Kedar stand! Too long my soul has made its home With those who peace abhor. I stand for peace, but when I speak, They then prepare for war. ~ The Book of Psalms for Worship (Words Only Edition), Crown & Covenant Publications Also published at: