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Showing posts with the label Incest

Total Depravity in Dallas

By Angela Wittman Thus saith the Lord; A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rahel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not. Jeremiah 31:15 KJV Part of my morning routine is to scan the internet for stories I feel Christians, who are my main readership, will be interested in and hopefully benefit from. So, most of the items I share are of a theological nature, but this story is one that while not written from a Christian perspective, strikes at what the heart of wickedness unchecked looks like and what I believe is an example of total depravity. Please be warned that this report will leave you shaken , but also aware of the heartbreaking reality of child abuse in all it's ugly forms: incest, beatings, forced abortion and even murder. All of these things took place, including the destruction of an 8 month old pre-born baby in an attempt to hide the sexual abuse of a 14 year old girl. POLICE ARREST ALLEGED INCESTU...