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Showing posts with the label Christian Hope

Abiding in Christ: Linda Kay Beckman (1936 - 2024)

It's bittersweet to learn that a much loved woman of God has left our world and is now in the presence of Christ. I rejoice for Linda that she is experiencing the great love and joy all Christians look forward to, but I am also a bit sad that while on this earth she wasn't appreciated by the world for the gift of God she truly was to us all. I became acquainted with Linda when she and other members of Repent America were arrested for sharing the Gospel at an "Outfest" in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They were known as the Philadelphia 11 and were on national news sites in the fall/winter of 2004 and throughout 2005.  I'm not certain how Linda and I connected, but we communicated via e-mail and her gracious manner endeared her to me. She soon became a role model and I thank God for her Christian witness.  Here is an article I wrote about the Philadelphia 11 in 2004: Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. (2 Timothy 3:12) Dear Fr...

Encouragement for Today: 'This Body Fashioned Anew'

  This morning's devotion by Charles Haddon Spurgeon greatly blessed my heart and I pray it will bless yours, too.   "Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto His Glorious Body" — Philippians 3:21 Often when we are racked with pain and unable to think or worship, we feel that this indeed is "the body of our humiliation," and when we are tempted by the passions which rise from the flesh we do not think the word vile at all too vigorous a translation. Our bodies humble us; and that is about the best thing they do for us. Oh, that we were duly lowly, because our bodies ally us with animals and even link us with the dust! But our Savior, the LORD Jesus, shall change all this. We shall be fashioned like His own body of glory. This will take place in all who believe in Jesus. By faith their souls have been transformed, and their bodies will undergo such a renewal as shall fit them for their regenerated spirits. How soon this grand transformat...

Healing for the Broken Hearted

 Mayo Clinic tells us there is a physical ailment called Broken Heart Syndrome : Broken heart syndrome is a heart condition that's often brought on by stressful situations and extreme emotions. The condition also can be triggered by a serious physical illness or surgery. Broken heart syndrome is often a temporary condition. But some people may continue to feel unwell after the heart is healed. What causes Broken Heart Syndrome? Extreme reaction to a physical or emotional event: An intense physical or emotional event often comes before broken heart syndrome. Anything that causes a strong emotional response may trigger the condition. Examples include: Sudden illness such as an asthma attack or COVID-19 infection. Major surgery. Sudden broken bone. Death of a loved one or other loss. Strong argument. (Source:  Broken heart syndrome - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic )  ...but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Roman 5:8 ESV)...

Kent State, the Summer of 1970 and the Grace of God

  Me in 1975 - Seeking God. Al Baker recently wrote an article on the tragedy of the Kent State demonstrations and the killing of four students in May of 1970:  Four Dead in Ohio ( FORGET NONE OF HIS BENEFITS )  . I remember being 12 years-old at the time this happened and the disagreement between my father (a full-time Air National Guardsman) and myself. I could see that he was pained over the event, but he defended the soldiers who fired on the students and I was shocked at his defense of their actions. I also remember that my friends and I embraced the rebellious culture of the time and soon found ourselves acting like our "heroes;" while we were only in our early teens we became somewhat jaded and mistrusted those in authority. By the time I turned 17 years-old, I began to have a yearning in my heart to become a Christian - I wanted to become a new creation, but I didn't know how. (As a child I remember watching televangelists and reciting the "sinner's praye...

Dementia - Seeing through a glass darkly....

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.  ~1Corinthians 13.12 KJV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I came across this article by Dr. Barry York written in 2014 and posted at Gentle Reformation , which I never read until today. If you have a parent/spouse/friend etc. with dementia and you aren't certain of their salvation, please read this. I think you will find it encouraging. It gives me great hope as my father suffered from dementia before his death earlier this year and who assured me he had asked the Lord for forgiveness while being ill. Salvation in a Dementia Ward Walking down the long hospital hallway, I approached the room in the emergency area where they had told me she would be found. As I came near the door, I found a security guard sitting there. He looked at me with sympathy as I identified myself and, with a warning and sad shaking of his head, gave me permission to enter....