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Showing posts with the label Book of Proverbs


By Angela Wittman Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. - Proverbs 16:24 (AKJV) It appears the good Lord has been giving me some first hand experience with the power of Words, and it is a lesson I need to learn. First of all, readers of my work need to know that I don't use words thoughtlessly. I try to be succinct and effective with almost everything I write.  In fact, I tend to weigh my words so carefully that I will often lay my thoughts before the Lord and wait to write for weeks until I feel my emotions have been tempered and my perspective is more objectively in line with God's Word. However, my spoken words are often indiscriminate, ill-mannered, arrogant, hurtful, etc.; you name it - I've probably said it and for this I sincerely apologize. Now having said this, let me please "speak" my mind on something many of us experience within the Church: judging others by one's self. Since becoming a Chri...

'A woman who fears the LORD shall be praised'

By Angela Wittman "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD shall be praised." (Proverbs 31:30) I was recently reminded of the truth that a woman's beauty does not lay in her outward appearance (as this will fade); but true beauty is found in those women who fear the LORD. The type of beauty I am referring to is the beauty of integrity and conviction. When I read the accounts in Scripture of women who found great worth in the Lord’s eyes, I see women of strong character who feared the LORD more than man. It is my great pleasure to review with you what Scripture records about some of these beautiful women and the memorable deeds they performed in faith. One of the first women who come to my mind is the prophetess Miriam who was also the sister of Moses and Aaron. Miriam is well known for the heroic story of hiding and watching the baby Moses as he floated in the Egyptian river and was found by Pharaoh's daughter. She was still ...

Is this any way to treat a lady?

By Angela Wittman "If certain federal lawmakers have their way, your eighteen-year-old daughters will be registered for selective service and drafted for combat by the next war or U.N. "peacekeeping" operation. Should she find herself engaged in an overseas military exercise of any kind, you will be expected to accept as part of her duty, that if captured, she may be shot and gang raped. You will be told that this is the price of freedom which must be equally borne by men and women alike. If this future seems far-fetched, then you may be blind to one of the single greatest socio-cultural changes to occur in the history of West for more than 2,500 years." (The Church Must Oppose the Sin of Women at War, by Douglas W. Phillips, Esq./ Vision Forum Ministries) "To have women serving as soldiers on the battlefield is an abomination in the eyes of God and ought to be an offense to righteous men and women. It is an abandonment of the God-given order for society ...