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Showing posts with the label Child Abuse

Why do we continue to elect pro-aborts?

'Illinois has become a dumping ground for other states with our flimsy abortion laws and politicians’ flippant attitude toward providing women with resources on all their options.' -  Emily Troscinski, executive director of Illinois Right to Life Dear Friends, My question is geared toward Illinois citizens specifically, but also applies generally to voters in the United States. This morning I came across the news story MORE WOMEN SEEM TO BE CROSSING STATE LINES TO HAVE ABORTIONS IN ILLINOIS   which reveals that while the numbers of abortions might be going down, it also appears that surrounding states who are tightening their laws against abortion have more women coming to Illinois to abort their unborn children because our laws are so lax. Here is an excerpt from the article mentioned above: When Alison Dreith learned of her unplanned pregnancy, the St. Louis resident said she chose to travel to Illinois to have an abortion in 2016. She is the executive direc...

Total Depravity in Dallas

By Angela Wittman Thus saith the Lord; A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rahel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not. Jeremiah 31:15 KJV Part of my morning routine is to scan the internet for stories I feel Christians, who are my main readership, will be interested in and hopefully benefit from. So, most of the items I share are of a theological nature, but this story is one that while not written from a Christian perspective, strikes at what the heart of wickedness unchecked looks like and what I believe is an example of total depravity. Please be warned that this report will leave you shaken , but also aware of the heartbreaking reality of child abuse in all it's ugly forms: incest, beatings, forced abortion and even murder. All of these things took place, including the destruction of an 8 month old pre-born baby in an attempt to hide the sexual abuse of a 14 year old girl. POLICE ARREST ALLEGED INCESTU...