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Showing posts with the label Church

'Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant'

“His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” Matthew 25:23 KJV Rev. Robert Wesley Morrow  (April 5, 1933 - September 30, 2023) Bob Morrow was my elder at the Sparta RPCNA - such a humble man! I was a member of the Sparta RP Church years ago and I remember how faithfully Bob watched over me and my son. It was at least a 30 min. drive from Sparta to my home in Waterloo and he would do home visits, plus discipled my son in a weekly Bible Study. These things are rare in today's society - but Bob held to the "old" ways. You can be assured he performed his duty as an elder to the best of his ability. He was quite the godly man.     I didn't know how much the good Lord had used him in ministry until reading his obituary as he never bragged, but instead displayed kindness and humilty.  I'm certain he has now heard "Well done, goo...


Source: The Banner of Truth "The postmillennialist believes that the millennium is an era (not necessarily a literal thousand years) during which Christ will reign over the earth, not from a literal and earthly throne, but through the gradual increase of the Gospel and its power to change lives. After this gradual Christianization of the world, Christ will return and immediately usher the church into their eternal state after judging the wicked. This is called postmillennialism because, by its view, Christ will return after the millennium." ( Postmillennialism at  Theopedia ) Dear Friends, Years ago I read the book The Puritan Hope by Iain H. Murray  and find myself going back to it every few years for encouragement and a reminder of what I believe the Bible teaches regarding eschatology. Here is the book's description as posted at Banner of Truth : Today the Church’s hope in respect to her mission of discipling all nations is in eclipse. The world gives Christian...

Christmas and Conscience

Dear Friends, After becoming a Reformed Christian approximately 15 years ago, I began struggling with what to do about Christmas. Some of you might also be coming to the realization that December 25th is not the actual birth date of Christ, nor are we commanded to observe it. My hope is to direct you to balanced resources that will help you decide how you want to participate in this "holiday." This morning I came across the  recent article "Holidays and Holy Days (Part 2) by Michael LeFebvre , Pastor of Christ Church in Brownsburg, Indiana, which is posted at the blog Gentle Reformation . Dr. LeFebvre is Reformed Presbyterian and presents the traditional Protestant view of observing the church calendar, while leaving room for Christian liberty. I think he presents a Biblical and balanced viewpoint of the observance of Christmas and other "holidays" our society observes.  I sincerely hope you will be blessed by his words of wisdom as you work through y...

An Open Letter to the Church

Dear Friends, I've recently withdrawn my membership from a local church due to it's reluctance to organize in a Biblical manner: February 2, 2017 Dear Pastor _____ and ______ Church Council, It is with great sorrow that I write this letter. I became a member of ______ in February of 2013 with the hope and desire to see ____  grow and mature as a body of believers. And while I have seen the congregation become more interested in God’s Word and continuing to work together in Christian love, I have not seen any movement toward Biblical Church Government as outlined in Scripture. (If there is a movement toward Biblical organization and I’m unaware, please let me know.) Scripture speaks very plainly about the organization and leadership of the local congregation. First of all, Hebrews 13:17 tells us: “Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be ...

A Den of Satan

Barack Obama speaking to Planned Parenthood (Image from Wintery Knight ) Dear Friends, I want to direct your attention to an article posted at Wintery Knight regarding Barack Obama's administration and recent demands on hospitals: Obama administration orders all hospitals to perform abortions and sex changes  . After reporting on these wicked orders, the author gives his opinion, which I wholeheartedly agree with: Right now, we live in a time where health care is under the control of the federal government. Many, many people of faith voted for a secular government to be in control of health care. They thought that it would be more “fair” than letting people control health care at the state or local level. Now they are finding out what happens when you let a big secular government take over huge parts of the economy. There are people of faith working in hospitals. If only their employer forced them to do a sex change or an abortion, they could move to another employer, perhaps in an...

Thoughts on the Duggars, the Ninth Commandment, Reporting Child SexAbuse and Repentance

By Angela Wittman "And when she had brought them unto him to eat, he took hold of her, and said unto her, Come lie with me, my sister. "And she answered him, Nay, my brother, do not force me; for no such thing ought to be done in Israel: do not thou this folly." (2 Samuel 13: 11, 12) By now, most have heard the news reports of Reality Television stars the Duggar family and their experience of child sex abuse, so I won't go into the sordid details because I really do try to be respectful of others privacy and don't want to cause further harm to the victims. I'm not even going to question Josh Duggar's repentance because he was a youth at the time of the sex abuse and I am a firm believer in the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit. But I am going to address the need for openness, transparency and truthfulness in this and other matters of child sex abuse within the Christian Church. For almost a week now I've been researching the Duggar scandal and dis...

Yes, I'm a Lonely Christian... Are You?

If you are also a 'lonely Christian,' then please take heart... We're in good company! Please be blessed and listen to this message preached by Pastor Curtis Knapp at New Hope Baptist Church in Seneca, Kansas : Scripture Text: 1 Kings 19:10  (AKJV) 10  And he said, I have been very jealous for the Lord God of hosts: for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away. Details: True Christians will almost always be lonely in this world. If you love God and love His Word, you are in an extreme minority. There are many Christians all over this world who have to travel miles and miles just to get to a true Bible honoring church. They are like Christians of old -- aliens, scattered throughout the world. What is comforting to the Christian, however, is to realize tha...

A Review of 'Uniting Church and Family: Observations about the current family crisis'

By Angela Wittman Uniting Church and Family: Observations about the current family crisis by Shawn C. Mathis is a collection of published essays (estimated 112 pages, Kindle edition) about the family integrated church movement and what he calls "unsubstantiated" views expressed by some of the leaders in the homeschooling movement. Shawn Mathis is a homeschooling parent and pastors a reformed church, which gives him a unique perspective of these issues, plus a desire to see these things addressed in truth and with Christian love among those in disagreement. Pastor Mathis states in the introduction that this is a "work of love" and "the result of a homeschooling father who investigated the claims of homeschooling's inherent superiority both in history and in academic testing." And "it is the conclusion of a Presbyterian minister who evaluated the claims of homeschooling and family integrated church revivals." The author goes on to say t...