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Showing posts from January, 2012

Life Network of Southern Illinois: A pro-life mercy ministry

By Angela Wittman Life Network of Southern Illinois located at 224 N. Main St. in Waterloo, Illinois has been helping those in need of unplanned pregnancy care, and providing education and referrals to helpful resources since 1995. Services offered for both males and females are free and confidential. These services include: Pregnancy Tests Baby Resources STD Test/Treatment (for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea) Options Counseling Earn While You Learn Client Education Program Ultrasound Community Referrals Abortion Recovery Support Abstinence Education Male Mentoring Program Child Birth, Breastfeeding, and Newborn Care Classes Upcoming events include a Trivia Night to be held on January 28th at Gibault High School in Waterloo and their annual Spring Banquet with guest speaker Shawn Carney (co-founder of 40 Days for Life) scheduled for April 19th and April 20th at Turner Hall in Columbia, IL . The Life Network of Southern Illinois annual Li

‘Ignore Roe’ and the holocaust of the Preborn

 January 22, 2012 marks the 39 th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision which opened the floodgates to the holocaust of the Preborn. reports on its Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Law page that: The history of abortion in the United States is far more complicated than most people imagine. It has been an issue of varying contention in this nation for the last 200 years. Nevertheless, abortion has never enjoyed such universal protection under the law as it has for these last three decades. As it stands today, American women have the legal right to obtain an abortion in all 50 states, through all nine months of pregnancy, for virtually any reason at all. This has been true since January of 1973 when the Supreme Court declared that autonomous abortion rights are built into the Constitution, and that any legal barriers which prevent mothers from aborting their children are unconstitutional. This ruling was arrived at on the premise that the 9th and 14th

Christians can find hope for the future by looking to the past

As the New Year begins, a Christian can find great comfort and encouragement by reflecting upon what God has done in their life during the previous year.   And while one can find peace while tracing the hand of God in their circumstances, hope for the future can also be found by looking at the history and triumph of God’s Church in this world. One of the best loved passages of Scripture is Hebrews, chapter 11 , which is also referred to as the chapter of the “Heroes of the Faith.” One can find hope in the stories of others who faced persecution, adversity and severe trials for their faith, but who remained steadfast and did not waver in their faith. Here is an excerpt from the King James Bible, beginning at verse 32:   32 And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets:   33 Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths