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Showing posts with the label Reformed History

Book Review: 'The Scottish Covenanters' by J.G. Vos

  By Angela Wittman - Posted at : June 14, 2024 ( 4.0 out of 5 stars ) Good Overall History of the Scottish Covenanters For those new to the history of the Scottish Covenanters and the principles they stood for, this book will be helpful. I appreciate the author defining the issues of that time period and the differences of thought among the Covenanters. Many other works skim over their differences, but this book delves into the prevailing circumstances among those who compromised and the ones who remained faithful and strong to the end. I am much more appreciative of the Covenanters and their heritage after reading it. Direct Link:  The Scottish Covenanters - Kindle edition by Vos, J.G.. Kindle eBooks @

'Of Saving Faith'

The Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter XIV Of Saving Faith I. The grace of faith, whereby the elect are enabled to believe to the saving of their souls, [1] is the work of the Spirit of Christ in their hearts, [2] and is ordinarily wrought by the ministry of the Word, [3] by which also, and by the administration of the sacraments, and prayer, it is increased and strengthened. [4] II. By this faith, a Christian believes to be true whatsoever is revealed in the Word, for the authority of God himself speaking therein; [5] and acts differently upon that which each particular passage thereof contains; yielding obedience to the commands, [6] trembling at the threatenings, [7] and embracing the promises of God for this life, and that which is to come. [8] But the principal acts of saving faith are accepting, receiving, and resting upon Christ alone for justification, sanctification, and eternal life, by virtue of the covenant of grace. [9] III. This faith is differ...


Source: The Banner of Truth "The postmillennialist believes that the millennium is an era (not necessarily a literal thousand years) during which Christ will reign over the earth, not from a literal and earthly throne, but through the gradual increase of the Gospel and its power to change lives. After this gradual Christianization of the world, Christ will return and immediately usher the church into their eternal state after judging the wicked. This is called postmillennialism because, by its view, Christ will return after the millennium." ( Postmillennialism at  Theopedia ) Dear Friends, Years ago I read the book The Puritan Hope by Iain H. Murray  and find myself going back to it every few years for encouragement and a reminder of what I believe the Bible teaches regarding eschatology. Here is the book's description as posted at Banner of Truth : Today the Church’s hope in respect to her mission of discipling all nations is in eclipse. The world gives Christian...

Christmas and Conscience

Dear Friends, After becoming a Reformed Christian approximately 15 years ago, I began struggling with what to do about Christmas. Some of you might also be coming to the realization that December 25th is not the actual birth date of Christ, nor are we commanded to observe it. My hope is to direct you to balanced resources that will help you decide how you want to participate in this "holiday." This morning I came across the  recent article "Holidays and Holy Days (Part 2) by Michael LeFebvre , Pastor of Christ Church in Brownsburg, Indiana, which is posted at the blog Gentle Reformation . Dr. LeFebvre is Reformed Presbyterian and presents the traditional Protestant view of observing the church calendar, while leaving room for Christian liberty. I think he presents a Biblical and balanced viewpoint of the observance of Christmas and other "holidays" our society observes.  I sincerely hope you will be blessed by his words of wisdom as you work through y...

True Christian Women

By Angela Wittman The Execution of Lady Jane Grey , by the French painter Paul Delaroche , 1833 Wikipedia 'Good people, I have come hither to die and by a law I am condemned to the same. The fact, indeed, against the Queen's Highness was unlawful and the consenting thereto by me. But touching the procurement and desire thereof by me or on my behalf I do wash my hands in innocence. Before God and the face of you, good Christian people, this day I pray you all, to bear me witness that I die a true Christian woman, and that I look to be saved by none other means, but only by the mercy of God, in the merits of the blood of his only son, Jesus Christ. And I confess, when I did know the word of God, I neglected the same, loved myself and the world, and thereto the plague or punishment is happily and worthily happened unto me for my sins. And yet, I thank God of His goodness that he hath thus given me a time and respite to repent. And now good people, while I am alive, I pray you to a...