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Showing posts with the label News Story

Illinois home educators oppose amending School Code with SB 3259

By Angela Wittman Illinois home educators are rallying in opposition to SB 3259 which calls for amending the Illinois School Code compulsory school age from 17 to 18 years . Organizations calling for citizens to take action and call their state legislators include ICHE (Illinois Christian Home Educators) and HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association). Disagreement concerning SB 3259 stems from the belief that parents are in the best position to know what is best for their 17 year-old children, whether it be higher education or perhaps an apprenticeship to prepare them for employment.  It may not be in the best interest of a young adult at 18 years of age to be forced to remain in school. Home educated children often advance at a faster pace than students in government schools and as a consequence are ready for higher learning or career preparation such as a trade or technical school at an earlier age.  HSLDA states on their Academic Statistics on Homeschooling page under ...

Christian Adoption: Opening hearts and homes to orphaned children

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27, ESV Due to be released in February of 2012 is the documentary “ Rescued: The Heart of Adoption and Caring for Orphans ” created by Wintons Motion Pictures and Hedrick Brothers Productions. The film challenges the Church and Christians to take a greater role in caring for orphans through adoption while exploring its common “thread” with missions: "Today, over 130 million children have lost one or both parents, and every 18 seconds, another child in the world becomes an orphan. In America, 114,000 children in the foster care system are currently waiting to be adopted, and an estimated 65,500 of those children have been adopted by homosexual parents. These staggering statistics should cause Christians to ask some probing questions. What would Christ’s church look like if we acted upon James 1:27 which states th...

Generations with Vision plans 2012 Family Economics Conference

Generations with Vision , a daily radio ministry that addresses cultural issues from a Biblical viewpoint featuring home school advocate, father of five and pastor Kevin Swanson as host is planning their Family Economics 2012 Conference for March 8 -10 at Wheaton College, 501 College Avenue, Wheaton, Illinois . This will be their third annual event; topics to be covered include : Raising Sons to Provide Household Budget Management Marketing a Family Business Facing the Onslaught of Socialism Household Chores and Time Management The Duties of Dominion Keys to Being a Successful Family Entrepreneur Stories from Successful Family Start-Ups A Special Proverbs 31 Track for Moms Speakers scheduled for the 2012 conference include Kevin Swanson, Erik Weir, Steve and Teri Maxwell, Bill Roth, Alex and Cassie Michael, and RC Sproul Jr.   A full schedule of events can be found here .   The Family Economics Vision page of the Family 2012 Economics Conference website tells us that: In Ma...

The Morning Center: New pro-life ministry birthed in Illinois

By Angela Wittman Samaritan Ministries based in Peoria has taken the next step forward in the pro-life movement with developing a new project to directly help mothers and their preborn babies in need of prenatal care: The Morning Center .  Their website states that they were founded in 2011 with the goal to “ provide free full-service pre-natal and maternity care to women in urban and under-served areas.”  Their goal, as stated on the “About Us” section of the website is to eventually establish pro-life hospitals that will offer: Complete prenatal care, counseling, mentoring, and professional photography that celebrates the joy of new life. A birthing center atmosphere in a full service maternity hospital, allowing a mother great flexibility in making birth choices – from facilities for water birth, and space for family, to highly trained staff and equipment needed for any medical situation. Staff members who have a clear sense of God’s calling to demonstrate the Good News ...

States of Refuge - New Strategy and Website for Ending the Holocaust of the Preborn Launched

By Angela Wittman A new website and strategy for ending the holocaust of the preborn has been launched by a cooperative effort of pro-life leaders: States of . Ultimate and immediate goals are stated on the National Strategy page as: Our ultimate goal is to end the American holocaust that has invoked God’s just wrath upon our nation. The immediate goal is to establish the first abortion free states since Roe vs. Wade. Five states in particular have been chosen due to being the most vulnerable and weakest of the prenatal child-killing industry: Arkansas, Mississippi, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming.  These states have been targeted as states as refuge from the sin of blood-guilt staining America. Christians are asked to pray and lend their support to making these five states abortion free. Ministries that have stated their intention to help in this effort include: Pastor Mark Holick/Spirit One Ministries: He has agreed to help prepare the way. He will work...

Home Schooled Teen Re-enacts Covenanters

By Angela Wittman Sarah Livingston - Photo Courtesy of WLOX - 13 A friend recently sent me this link to a story about a home schooled teen, Sarah Livingston, and her re-enactment of the Scottish Covenanters for a Mississippi History Day Competition at USM this past June where she won first place in the Performance category and the Overall prize in the high school division. Sarah is quoted in the news story as saying she wrote her own script and found her own props for the ten minute performance before the judges. To prepare for the competition she not only studied the history of the Covenanters, but she also studied the Scottish accent to make her performance more realistic. In my opinion, this is quite remarkable for a seventeen year-old young lady! May the good Lord bless Sarah Livingston and her quest to introduce others to the Scottish Covenanters through historical drama; she truly appears to be a twenty-first century Lady of the Covenant. News Source :

Pro-Life Hero Rep. Bobby Franklin Remembered as a Man of Christian Principles

By Angela Wittman “Rep. Franklin would want his legacy to be one of principled leadership. He wasvery fond of saying it is never the right time to do the wrong thing,” Setzler said. “He would want to be remembered first as a person of faith and second as a person who loved his country and loved liberty.” - Rep. Ed Setzler, Franklin remembered for his principles, dedication, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 7.26.2011 Rep. Bobby Franklin of Marietta, Georgia was found dead of apparently natural causes in his home on July 26th. Rep. Bobby Franklin was a consistent defender of life as is proven by his sponsorship of Georgia HB1 . The Summary of the bill states: A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend the Official Code of Georgia Annotated so as to provide that prenatal murder shall be unlawful in all events and to remove numerous references to such procedures; to amend Title 16, relating to crimes and offenses, so as to make certain findings of fact; to define certain terms; to provide that...