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Showing posts with the label Christian Ethics

Reflecting On Political Priorities in 2024

  Christians understand that what has gone wrong with the world can’t be fixed with political activism or culture war victories. I have a lot of sympathy for the expression 'politics is downstream from culture.' That is mostly true. But a more complete truth is that culture is downstream from theology and anthropology and ontology. Politics and culture are both effects, not causes. Politics and culture influence each other, sometimes in helpful ways and sometimes in unhelpful ways. (Source:  The Political Illusion by Warren Cole Smith – MinistryWatch ) At the risk of being controversial in this highly polarized political age, I would like to share some wisdom I learned as a Christian political activist. I tried to stay above the political fray during my time as an organizer for Christian Coalition and as a pro-life activist in our community. While it was assumed that I would support Republican candidates, I did not mindlessly support them because the Democrats were big bad wolv

'An honorable legacy for their descendants'

  Originally posted on Facebook  June 11, 2020 : While researching my family tree I found that many of my ancestors in the South actually fought for the North - in fact, some had to leave Tennessee and relocate in Missouri after the War. But removing historical monuments and statues, plus banning the Confederate flag is a blatant attempt to rewrite history. Why do this? I'm proud of the adversity my ancestors experienced as it made them better people and is an honorable legacy for their descendants. ~ Angela (Somers) Wittman These sentiments are still true today. Plus, I have always admired Gen. Grant - probably due to his St. Louis connection which is where I grew up; and while reading his memoirs I am impressed with his Christian ethics in private, as well as influencing his war ethics and public endeavors. So while I cannot say that General Grant knew the Lord as his personal savior, it is apparent he had a Christian worldview and acknowledged the Providence of God in historical

Here's One for the Men: Taking a Seat for What is Good and Right

Jesse (Jay) Somers - Early to mid 1950's. By Angela Wittman People often talk about standing for righteousness, but here is a story of my father literally taking a seat for what is right and good. Dad entered the Air Force in March of 1953 at the young age of 17 years. He tells the story of how hard it was for him to find work in his hometown of Poplar Bluff, Missouri, at the time. Prospective employers would tell him that they feared he would be drafted to serve in the Korean War when he turned 18 in July and didn't think it wise to hire him. So, Dad decided to join the Air Force instead of waiting for the draft. Dad was soon sent to a facility in Texas via a public bus. He remembers finding a seat in the very back and proceeded to relax and catch up on his sleep. Dad remembers crossing into Arkansas where public transportation was segregated at the time. He tells of hearing the bus driver announce that all blacks were to move to the back of the bus. Dad stayed in

American Evangelicals, the President and the Third Commandment

President Donald Trump at the Greenville, NC July 17, 2019 Rally By Angela Wittman Perhaps I've been living in a cave this past week, but I heard little of an outcry from American Evangelicals over President Donald Trump taking the Lord's Name in vain during a political rally in North Carolina . Could it be they were drowned out by the political left's outrage over the crowd chanting "Send her back!" in reference to Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota? Or is it something worse like apathy or indifference toward our holy God? Regardless of what led to some Christians silence on this matter, I think it would be wise for us to review what God and the historically respected Westminster Assembly   say on this serious matter of taking the Lord's name in vain. Exodus 20:7 (KJV) 7 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. Deuteronomy 5:11 (KJV) 11 Thou shalt not take t

Donald Trump and the Westminster Confession of Faith

By Angela Wittman Yesterday during the Michael Cohen testimony before the House Oversight Committee  a comment was made on Twitter by a Reformed Christian to the effect that voting for and supporting a man like Donald Trump, even though he has moral "failings" is taught to be ethical behavior by John Calvin and the Westminster Divines. The comment was not directed toward me, but as I'm reformed and have studied the WCF for over almost 2 decades, I asked where this was at so I could look it up myself. I was directed to my favorite chapter of the Westminster Confession of Faith, (XXIII), and specifically to section IV. Here is what Chapter XXIII, section IV of the Westminster Confession of Faith says regarding the Civil Magistrate: IV. It is the duty of people to pray for magistrates, [8] to honor their persons, [9] to pay them tribute or other dues, [10] to obey their lawful commands, and to be subject to their authority, for conscience' sake. [11] Infid

Facebook - The Gig Is Up

This issue is at the center of the Cambridge Analytica data scandal that the social media company is facing right now. The political research firm was able to access data on more than 50 million Facebook users through a third-party personality quiz application, without the knowledge or consent of users. The quiz maker wasn't supposed to pass the information along, but Facebook at the time had no technical measures in place to prevent it. Cambridge Analytica later used this and other information to create detailed psychological profiles of Facebook users and to micro-target political ads at some of them, ... -  Excerpt from Here's how to see which apps have access to your Facebook data — and cut them off - CNBC Dear Friends, I have always had a disdain for Facebook and remember deleting an account several years ago, only to find myself creating a new one due to missing friends and family who have Facebook accounts. My greatest concern years ago was the lack of and prote

Yes, Bruce Rauner, We're Thrilled

'We’re thrilled,' Ives said at her election night party in Glen Ellyn, as she stood about three percentage points behind Rauner. 'This is an insurgent campaign that started less than five months ago and to come this close to taking out the worst Republican governor in America is phenomenal.' ( ) Dear Friends, Last night I watched the Illinois Primary results with great astonishment as GOP pro-life, conservative candidate Jeanne Ives stayed within a few percentage points of wealthy, pro-abort, no social agenda (?) Bruce Rauner, the incumbent Republican Governor of Illinois. In fact, folks, I'm encouraged even though Bruce managed to snake his way to winning the Republican Primary. Why am I encouraged? Examine the evidence for yourself: With 9,825/10,119 precincts reporting this morning, Bruce "pro-abort" Rauner received 351,086 votes to Jeanne Ives 330,227. Folks, he only won by 3%!!! (

Why do we continue to elect pro-aborts?

'Illinois has become a dumping ground for other states with our flimsy abortion laws and politicians’ flippant attitude toward providing women with resources on all their options.' -  Emily Troscinski, executive director of Illinois Right to Life Dear Friends, My question is geared toward Illinois citizens specifically, but also applies generally to voters in the United States. This morning I came across the news story MORE WOMEN SEEM TO BE CROSSING STATE LINES TO HAVE ABORTIONS IN ILLINOIS   which reveals that while the numbers of abortions might be going down, it also appears that surrounding states who are tightening their laws against abortion have more women coming to Illinois to abort their unborn children because our laws are so lax. Here is an excerpt from the article mentioned above: When Alison Dreith learned of her unplanned pregnancy, the St. Louis resident said she chose to travel to Illinois to have an abortion in 2016. She is the executive direct

March 20, 2018: Please remember to NOT vote for Bruce Rauner

Dear Friends, The 2018 Illinois gubernatorial primary election is fast approaching and will take place on March 20th.  Please remember to NOT vote for pro-abort Governor Bruce Rauner. I don't care how much the Republican establishment in Illinois throws at you in order to secure this wicked man's re-election, please stand firm in your resolve to not allow a prenatal baby killer (or one who supports it) to serve as governor of our state. Just say "no" to fear and "yes" to faith in Christ by voting for a godly candidate. Here are just a few articles documenting Bruce Rauner's betrayal of the pre-born and the conservative Christians who helped elect him in 2014: IL GOP Gov. Bruce Rauner to sign HB 40, become first governor in U.S. to require taxpayers to fund abortion Posted at Prairie State Wire: Governor Bruce Rauner will sign House Bill 40, mandating state taxpayer funding of abortion, sources tell Prairie State Wire. Rauner revealed hi

The Battle of Maxton Field

An image of the clash now held by the State Archives - Source: NCDCR On January 18, 1958, the Ku Klux Klan rallied in a field outside of Maxton in Robeson County to “put the Indians in their place, to end race mixing.” ( Excerpt from Lumbees Rally, Klansmen Scurry, in Robeson County - This Day In NC History ) Dear Friends, I've been researching my father's family history and while trying to verify our Native American ancestry, I came across this article and video of folk singer Malvina Reynolds telling the story of the North Carolina Lumbee Tribe and their encounter with the KKK in January of 1958: Lumbees Rally, Klansmen Scurry, in Robeson County On January 18, 1958, the Ku Klux Klan rallied in a field outside of Maxton in Robeson County to “put the Indians in their place, to end race mixing.” A generator powered the public address system and the single light bulb that illuminated the speaker’s immediate area. With only the dim light, the Klansmen, numberin

Sin, Divorce and the Consequences

Little did I know that the evening after writing this blog post the news of  Missouri Governor Eric Greiten's adultery  would come to light. What a shame he has brought upon his marriage, wife, children, family, friends and citizens of Missouri. Please don't be deceived by the term "affair" - adultery is not pretty or benign - it destroys marriages, trust between family members and the lives of innocent spouses and children. The actions of Gov. Greiten was not a romantic fling - it was that of perverted, unnatural, abusive sexual gratification. He probably needs counseling and should immediately step down in an attempt to show remorse and protect his family. May the good Lord give the people of Missouri wisdom in how to deal with this matter and the strength to reject evil and stand for righteousness. In Lord Jesus Name, I pray, amen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 Now when Jesus had finished these sayings, he went away from Galilee and entered the region of Judea beyond

Christians, please vet your political candidates and pastors.

Heart of Fire Church in Fern Creek (R.G. Dunlop) - Source: The Pope's Long Con Dear Friends, I am sickened at the lack of discernment and common sense among God's people when it comes to choosing political leaders, churches and pastors. Please realize that not everyone who claims to be of Christ actually knows Him. You must become familiar with the Word of God and learn to judge a person by the "fruit" their life produces. A man or woman might have all the right religious cliches and be able to cherry pick Scriptures to support their sin, but you have a responsibility to become wise enough through God's Word to detect the falsehoods and discern if something is not right with what you're being told by those proclaiming to be God's messenger. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?  17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.  18 A good tree can

Roy Moore Should Take Responsibilty for His Campaign Loss

Dear Friends, Frankly I'm relieved the special election in Alabama is over and Roy Moore did not win. But, I am dismayed that some of his supporters are blaming fellow believers for his loss; it seems they feel that the Christians who didn't support Moore are to blame for him not being elected to the US Senate. Plus, I saw a news clip this morning of Roy Moore blaming the allegations of sexual misconduct as a reason his campaign lost. Friends, if Roy Moore were a man of sterling character like his supporters believe, he would take responsibility for his campaign loss. It didn't have to end this way. When the allegations of sexual misconduct and molestation, plus the stories of dating teen girls as a man in his 30's came forth, the responsible and Christian action would have been for Roy Moore to step aside until he could disprove the allegations. If he had done this, another Republican candidate could have come forth and ran in Moore's place and probably been

Christmas and Conscience

Dear Friends, After becoming a Reformed Christian approximately 15 years ago, I began struggling with what to do about Christmas. Some of you might also be coming to the realization that December 25th is not the actual birth date of Christ, nor are we commanded to observe it. My hope is to direct you to balanced resources that will help you decide how you want to participate in this "holiday." This morning I came across the  recent article "Holidays and Holy Days (Part 2) by Michael LeFebvre , Pastor of Christ Church in Brownsburg, Indiana, which is posted at the blog Gentle Reformation . Dr. LeFebvre is Reformed Presbyterian and presents the traditional Protestant view of observing the church calendar, while leaving room for Christian liberty. I think he presents a Biblical and balanced viewpoint of the observance of Christmas and other "holidays" our society observes.  I sincerely hope you will be blessed by his words of wisdom as you work through y

A Judge and the Ten Commandments

We now face a new moral crisis, a new crisis of conscience, for voters in the United States, specifically, this time voters in the state of Alabama. That's because on December 12 the voters of that state will elect a new United States Senator in a special election made necessary in order to fill the seat that had been vacated by the current Attorney General of the United States Jeff Sessions. - Dr. Albert Mohler - President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary ( Daily Briefing 11.13.17 ) Dear Friends, There has been much discussion on the Roy Moore US Senate race and recent allegations of sexual impropriety and child sexual abuse made by women who claim to have been teenagers when these events took place. Those of you who follow my blogs know that I once was a supporter of Judge Moore and theonomy in general.  However, I had a change of heart regarding theonomy  several years ago (2013), and now I am no longer a supporter of Judge Moore.  I believe there are c