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Showing posts with the label Abortion

Weeping for the Children

By Angela Wittman In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not. - Matthew 2.18 In four days America will observe the 38th anniversary of the deadly court decision Roe vs. Wade.  But will America weep for the children who have had their lives ended in the most barbaric and inhumane means possible? Has the Church in America witnessed enough bloodshed that she will arise and declare the flow of innocent blood must end? How long will a holy and just God allow us to go on while the blood of the preborn cries out to Him for justice? Friends, are you weeping?  Perhaps today's news headlines of a gruesome crime in West Philadelphia will help awaken the sleeping church. The Associated Press reports that Dr. Kermit Gosnell, an abortionist in Philadelphia has been charged with "eight counts of murder in the deaths of a patient and seven babies who were born alive and ...

A Mother's Anguish

By Angela Wittman Perhaps you have heard it said that having an abortion doesn't prevent one from becoming a mother, it just makes her the mother of a dead child.  I recently came across the story of a young woman ( Kelly Clinger ) who has a history of aborting her pre-born babies and is now suffering the heartbreak and anguish that comes from a realization that what she did was wrong and irrevocable.  She has come to understand that her "abortion" was not just a termination of a pregnancy or the destruction of a blob of tissue or the removal of a clump of cells that had potential to be a human life, but the actual destruction of a tiny, living human being - her pre-born baby.  Praise the Lord, Kelly Clinger has come to know the Lord Jesus Christ and I trust He will heal her broken heart and give her opportunity to speak on behalf of the pre-born and those who have bought into the lie that a woman has a right to kill her pre-born child.  But her grief and ...

Planned Parenthood to the rescue?

“At the moment of fertilization , a new and unique human being comes into existence with its own distinct genetic code. Twenty-three chromosomes from the mother and twenty-three chromosomes from the father combine to result in a brand-new and totally unique genetic combination...” (Source: Prenatal Development - On the corner of Forest Park and Boyle Avenues in St. Louis, Missouri is a large, white brick building. On the front is a sign identifying it as “Planned Parenthood.” A large colorful banner also hangs on the front of the building. It shows a female medical professional standing next to a young woman, and both are smiling as though they haven’t a care in the world. At the top of the banner in bold text is the question: “Need Emergency Contraception?” Underneath this text and on the side next to the smiling women in smaller text is “No Exam, No Hassle, No Delay.” Then underneath the picture are the words in bold type “Planned Parenthood To The Rescue!” Let’s take a...

What about the babies?

By Angela Wittman “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;”(Romans 12:10 KJV) Dear Friends, As we approach the 34th anniversary of the abortion holocaust commonly known as the Roe v. Wade supreme Court decision which opened the flood gates to blood-thirsty selfishness in America, let us reflect upon our contribution to its continuance. This editorial is not directed to the unbelievers who are dead in their sins and have not received the light of the Holy Spirit to enliven their depraved minds and dead hearts, but to the those who call themselves by the Lord’s Name, the followers of Jesus Christ, commonly known as Christians. I am seeing a most shameful thing take place at both national and local levels among Christian pro-lifers: the fighting for so-called rights to group names, positions on the sidewalks in front of the baby-killing camps, and the “right” of well-known pro-life personalities to lord themselves over lesser known pro-l...

Saving 'these little ones' in St. Louis

Street Report: St. Louis, Mo. 2.12.05 Dear Friends for LIFE, Praise the LORD for the opportunity to share this street report about the abortion mill [Planned Parenthood] located on Forest Park and Boyle Avenues in St. Louis, Missouri. I am blessed to share this time in service to the LORD with you. At this baby killing facility there are iron bars around the perimeter of the building and parking lot. They try to prevent the customers from hearing and seeing the truth about what goes on inside the building; but the LORD is good and we have access to those pulling in the parking lot, as there is only one point of entry. Lovely Anne, who has been on the streets witnessing against abortion since 1986, greets the potential Planned Parenthood clientele with fresh cut flowers and an armful of Gospel tracts, abortion facts and New Testaments. We also have several saints who hold the graphic aborted baby signs while others stand and pray or distribute literature to those driving down the s...