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Showing posts with the label Christians and Politics

American Evangelicals, the President and the Third Commandment

President Donald Trump at the Greenville, NC July 17, 2019 Rally By Angela Wittman Perhaps I've been living in a cave this past week, but I heard little of an outcry from American Evangelicals over President Donald Trump taking the Lord's Name in vain during a political rally in North Carolina . Could it be they were drowned out by the political left's outrage over the crowd chanting "Send her back!" in reference to Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota? Or is it something worse like apathy or indifference toward our holy God? Regardless of what led to some Christians silence on this matter, I think it would be wise for us to review what God and the historically respected Westminster Assembly   say on this serious matter of taking the Lord's name in vain. Exodus 20:7 (KJV) 7 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. Deuteronomy 5:11 (KJV) 11 Thou shalt not take t...

Christians, please vet your political candidates and pastors.

Heart of Fire Church in Fern Creek (R.G. Dunlop) - Source: The Pope's Long Con Dear Friends, I am sickened at the lack of discernment and common sense among God's people when it comes to choosing political leaders, churches and pastors. Please realize that not everyone who claims to be of Christ actually knows Him. You must become familiar with the Word of God and learn to judge a person by the "fruit" their life produces. A man or woman might have all the right religious cliches and be able to cherry pick Scriptures to support their sin, but you have a responsibility to become wise enough through God's Word to detect the falsehoods and discern if something is not right with what you're being told by those proclaiming to be God's messenger. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?  17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.  18 A good tree can...

Roy Moore Should Take Responsibilty for His Campaign Loss

Dear Friends, Frankly I'm relieved the special election in Alabama is over and Roy Moore did not win. But, I am dismayed that some of his supporters are blaming fellow believers for his loss; it seems they feel that the Christians who didn't support Moore are to blame for him not being elected to the US Senate. Plus, I saw a news clip this morning of Roy Moore blaming the allegations of sexual misconduct as a reason his campaign lost. Friends, if Roy Moore were a man of sterling character like his supporters believe, he would take responsibility for his campaign loss. It didn't have to end this way. When the allegations of sexual misconduct and molestation, plus the stories of dating teen girls as a man in his 30's came forth, the responsible and Christian action would have been for Roy Moore to step aside until he could disprove the allegations. If he had done this, another Republican candidate could have come forth and ran in Moore's place and probably been ...

A Den of Satan

Barack Obama speaking to Planned Parenthood (Image from Wintery Knight ) Dear Friends, I want to direct your attention to an article posted at Wintery Knight regarding Barack Obama's administration and recent demands on hospitals: Obama administration orders all hospitals to perform abortions and sex changes  . After reporting on these wicked orders, the author gives his opinion, which I wholeheartedly agree with: Right now, we live in a time where health care is under the control of the federal government. Many, many people of faith voted for a secular government to be in control of health care. They thought that it would be more “fair” than letting people control health care at the state or local level. Now they are finding out what happens when you let a big secular government take over huge parts of the economy. There are people of faith working in hospitals. If only their employer forced them to do a sex change or an abortion, they could move to another employer, perhaps in an...

Here we go again... Feminism in the Church and What are the Biblical Qualifications for Candidates?

By Angela Wittman Image from I've been sitting back watching the political entertainment of those vying for the position of President in 2016 and wondering if or when I should wade in... Well, after seeing Donald Trump's captivation of the evangelical vote and his recent endorsement from Sarah Palin, this just might be a good time for me to once more remind the "religious right" of the qualifications for godly leadership. This is probably going to anger some of the Christian "feminists," so please know in advance that I won't approve your comments or engage in any cat fights. The text below is taken from a blog post written in 2008 about the nomination of Sarah Palin as a Vice-Presidential candidate, but it is also applicable for all ladies considering a run for political office: Sarah Palin and the feminism which has invaded the church in America  The blogosphere has been full of stories and opinions about the recent nomination of Sarah Pali...

2016 Elections: Continued Non-Conformity

By Angela Wittman Hillary Clinton (Wikipedia) While following the 2016 Presidential jockeying of the candidates from both political parties, I fear we will have Hillary in the White House. This is abhorrent to me for many reasons: she's un-apologetically pro-abortion, flip-flops on issues, is untrustworthy and frankly, she's a woman. I realize other nations have had respectable women as leaders, and I admit Margaret Thatcher did much good for Great Britain, but Hillary Clinton is no Margaret Thatcher. She simply doesn't have the moral clarity or Christian foundation needed to be a good leader. And I just don't see the Republicans as being much better than the Democrats on social issues. I lack confidence in their ability to make any significant changes; for example, they lack the backbone to take a stand for the absolute end of the murder of the preborn. They are also too divided among themselves, and I don't believe they're able to win the White House in...

A Change of Heart Regarding Theonomy

By Angela Wittman Dear Friends, For those who have received either my past newsletters or subscribed to my blogs: At the end of 2013, I retired the Christian Liberty newsletter.  I also deleted the blogs "Christian Liberty News" and "Reformed Christian Studies" because I had repented of pointing others to "bad" theology; and while they had some very good newsworthy posts, they also contained much theonomy. In fact, that was my main reason for creating the blogs in the first place. Then after promoting theonomy and Christian Reconstruction for approximately a decade, I had a change of heart.  This wasn't an overnight or sudden change, but one that gradually took place over a period of months as I began to study the Reformers, their work and the Reformed Confessions of the 16th Century. I began to realize that while I agreed with the "general equity" of God's Law for civil government and agreed with the Reformers teaching of natural revelat...

Christian Citizenship: Essential truth Christians might not learn in their local Church

By Angela Wittman My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. - Hosea 4:6 While reviewing and updating some previous posts, I came across a teaching on Christian citizenship that I believe is an essential lesson many Christians might not have access to. Let me begin by sharing the setting I was in when receiving this lesson: I was part of a Bible study that had begun as a possible OPC church plant in my local community. When we found there was not enough local interest in the OPC, we continued the study under the leadership of Pastor Ray Morton of the Sparta (Illinois) Reformed Presbyterian Church (RPCNA). At the time I was also very politically active and serving as an officer in the Constitution Party of Illinois.  I had always believed Christians should be "salt and light" in the community, including civil matte...

A discerning look at Ted Weiland's "Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective"

By Angela Wittman I believe I have found within the Scriptures the key to what made America great, and this key can restore her to her former greatness. - Ted Weiland, ( Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution; The Christian Perspective , A couple of years ago Ted Weiland contacted me and asked if he might send me his primer on  Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective . After receiving and reviewing the primer, I decided to toss it in the trash due to the concern that Mr. Weiland was missing a foundational point - Biblical covenanting.  And after recently reviewing his work in greater detail, I believe the reformed and theonomic community should be cautious about Mr. Weiland's book and his beliefs. Due to some glaring "red flags" I encountered while researching Mr. Weiland, I've decided to write this warning and state my concerns. First of a...

Inauguration 2013: 'a time to mourn'

By Angela Wittman To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn... Scripture from Ecclesiastes, Chapter 3 (KJV) We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. ~ Declaration of Independence While the wicked danced in the streets of our nation's capitol and celebrated the inauguration of our 44th President yesterday, the righteous in America mourned. We mourned because the very things that made our nation great among others has been mocked and disregarded as worthless old rags good for nothing but to be tossed o n a dung heap and burned.  What are these t...