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Showing posts with the label Geneva Bible

A Discerning Look at the Christian Pro-life Movement in America

By Angela Wittman Can two walk together except they be agreed? - Amos 3:3, 1599 Geneva Bible First of all, may the Reader be aware that I've been a part of the pro-life movement since becoming a Christian in 1993. In fact, the right to life of the preborn and my complicit silence to their murder is the very first sin the good Lord brought to my attention after my conversion to Christ. The knowledge that as an unbeliever I had bloodguilt on my hands for not speaking up for the preborn burnt like a hot knife into the very depth of my being. But I also had true joy and freedom due to the knowledge that I was now a new creation in Christ and I could repent of that sin - and repent I did! I immediately began attending local meetings for the Christian Coalition and a local RTL group. I quickly became involved in the movement and traveled to the State House in Illinois to speak on behalf of the preborn and to Washington DC for the annual Roe v. Wade marches. My activities included campaig...

Of Sheep and Goats

By Angela Wittman “For many are called, but few are chosen.” (Matthew 22:14). “Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” (Proverbs 27:6) Dear Friends, Last year I bought the book "Day By Day with Jonathan Edwards (Selected Readings for Daily Reflection)" which is compiled and edited by Randall J. Pederson and published by Hendrickson Publishers. I was in need of a daily devotional and I wanted something spiritually substantial to read each morning, as a light breakfast of fluffy evangelicalism just isn’t enough to keep me going throughout the day. I also purchased a copy of the 1599 Geneva Bible published by Tolle Lege Press in 2006 for my evening devotions. I have found that the Word of God, the thoughts of the early Reformers and a hot cup of cocoa before a roaring fire is the most perfect way to end my day. If you are looking for a daily devotional that will strengthen your faith and solidify your thoughts of God, I recommend both of t...