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Showing posts with the label Interviews

A faithful and true witness of the Lord Jesus Christ and His grace in the life of a Pro-life Missionary

And during the months that the South Carolina Legislature is in session (early January to early June), I have been involved with working to get the Right to Life Act of SC passed (a bill to ban all abortion in SC) since it was first introduced in 1998, and began working to de-fund abortion and birth control and sterilization funding from the SC state budget in 1997.” –  Steve Lefemine Today I am reminded of the importance of serving the Lord Jesus Christ in humility and faithfulness. It seems some have forgotten their First Love and have become promoters of self and their good deeds instead of pointing others to the Lord Jesus Christ and the work He did on the Christian's behalf. Sadly, I've seen much of this in the American pro-life movement. It makes me wonder if part of the reason we still have prenatal child-killing is due to the fact that we aren't serving God in a true spirit of humility and obedience. So, as I've been considering the pro-life ministries and its ...

"God Trumps The State Everytime..."

An Interview with Dr. Laurence Vance, author of "Christianity and War and Other Essays Against the Warfare State" By Angela Wittman, editor of CLP Editor : First of all, please let me express my gratitude for your willingness to be interviewed for . My hope is to introduce our readers, who for the most part are Christian pro-life activists, to your work and to help them sort through the issue of what is the Biblical response to war. Dr. Vance : Thank you for contacting me and giving me the opportunity. Ed.: Please tell us when you first began researching the military and war from a Christian worldview and what prompted you to do this? Dr. Vance: I really began researching war and the military from a Christian worldview in the mid 1990s after I came across some articles on war in an old Baptist theological journal published before the so-called Civil War. Previous to this, there were two things that had caused me to quest...

Counting the Cost to Follow Christ

“For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it...” (Luke 14:28, NKJV) Dear Friends, One of the greatest blessings of being a Christian is the friends one makes while serving the LORD. I have truly been blessed with knowing and working with some incredible Christians who inspire others to follow the LORD wholeheartedly without reservation. In the next several weeks I will be sharing some of their stories with you. I pray you will be blessed and inspired to follow Jesus Christ without reservation. In August of 2006 I first interviewed Steve Lefemine, a pro-life missionary and director of a ministry called “Columbia Christians for Life” based in Columbia, South Carolina for the newsletter “Christian Activist Pro-Life News – 100% Pro-Life: No Exceptions, No Compromise.” Here is the full text of the interview: Q: How did you first know that the LORD was calling you to become a pro-life missionary? A: The Lord ha...