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Showing posts with the label Barack Obama

Can you smell the strong stench of death blowing across this nation?

By Angela Wittman I have been regularly witnessing at the child-killing places (also known as abortion mills) since 2001, and the strongest impression left upon me has been the stench of death and the sight of trash littered around those "gates of hell." So, when I came across pictures of the trash left by the Obama Inauguration my heart broke... A picture really is worth a thousand words and what does this one say about America and our newly elected president? Trash left on the National Mall after Barack Obama's Inauguration Please click here for a news report of President Obama ending the ban on funding for international groups that promote or provide prenatal child-killing and then tell me if you can smell the strong stench of death blowing across this nation. The book of 2Kings, chapter 21 tells us of a wicked ruler who sacrificed children and worshiped strange gods. His name was Manasseh and here is his story (please take note of God's response to the evil reign...