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Showing posts with the label Christian

Facing Fear

By Angela Wittman As a follow-up to yesterday's post:  Thoughts on the Duggars, the Ninth Commandment, Reporting Child Sex Abuse and Repentance , I'd like to encourage those who are grappling with sins that others have committed against them. One of the hardest things for me to do is to confront others who have sinned against me.  I would rather walk away from any type of confrontation, but this isn't always possible, nor is it always the best course of action. I try to discern whether the offense is strictly personal or if it will impact others. If it hurts only me, I tend to lay it at the cross and place it in Christ's safe keeping, knowing He will do what is right and just. But if the offense is of a nature that it affects others or may lead to additional abuse, either physical, spiritual, or mental, then I feel it is my duty to speak out or confront the abuser to see if I can help remedy the situation. So, please take some advice from a seasoned sister and ...

Christian Citizenship: Essential truth Christians might not learn in their local Church

By Angela Wittman My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. - Hosea 4:6 While reviewing and updating some previous posts, I came across a teaching on Christian citizenship that I believe is an essential lesson many Christians might not have access to. Let me begin by sharing the setting I was in when receiving this lesson: I was part of a Bible study that had begun as a possible OPC church plant in my local community. When we found there was not enough local interest in the OPC, we continued the study under the leadership of Pastor Ray Morton of the Sparta (Illinois) Reformed Presbyterian Church (RPCNA). At the time I was also very politically active and serving as an officer in the Constitution Party of Illinois.  I had always believed Christians should be "salt and light" in the community, including civil matte...

A Discerning Look at the Christian Pro-life Movement in America

By Angela Wittman Can two walk together except they be agreed? - Amos 3:3, 1599 Geneva Bible First of all, may the Reader be aware that I've been a part of the pro-life movement since becoming a Christian in 1993. In fact, the right to life of the preborn and my complicit silence to their murder is the very first sin the good Lord brought to my attention after my conversion to Christ. The knowledge that as an unbeliever I had bloodguilt on my hands for not speaking up for the preborn burnt like a hot knife into the very depth of my being. But I also had true joy and freedom due to the knowledge that I was now a new creation in Christ and I could repent of that sin - and repent I did! I immediately began attending local meetings for the Christian Coalition and a local RTL group. I quickly became involved in the movement and traveled to the State House in Illinois to speak on behalf of the preborn and to Washington DC for the annual Roe v. Wade marches. My activities included campaig...