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Showing posts with the label Pro-Life

Reflecting On Political Priorities in 2024

  Christians understand that what has gone wrong with the world can’t be fixed with political activism or culture war victories. I have a lot of sympathy for the expression 'politics is downstream from culture.' That is mostly true. But a more complete truth is that culture is downstream from theology and anthropology and ontology. Politics and culture are both effects, not causes. Politics and culture influence each other, sometimes in helpful ways and sometimes in unhelpful ways. (Source:  The Political Illusion by Warren Cole Smith – MinistryWatch ) At the risk of being controversial in this highly polarized political age, I would like to share some wisdom I learned as a Christian political activist. I tried to stay above the political fray during my time as an organizer for Christian Coalition and as a pro-life activist in our community. While it was assumed that I would support Republican candidates, I did not mindlessly support them because the Democrats were big bad wol...

March 20, 2018: Please remember to NOT vote for Bruce Rauner

Dear Friends, The 2018 Illinois gubernatorial primary election is fast approaching and will take place on March 20th.  Please remember to NOT vote for pro-abort Governor Bruce Rauner. I don't care how much the Republican establishment in Illinois throws at you in order to secure this wicked man's re-election, please stand firm in your resolve to not allow a prenatal baby killer (or one who supports it) to serve as governor of our state. Just say "no" to fear and "yes" to faith in Christ by voting for a godly candidate. Here are just a few articles documenting Bruce Rauner's betrayal of the pre-born and the conservative Christians who helped elect him in 2014: IL GOP Gov. Bruce Rauner to sign HB 40, become first governor in U.S. to require taxpayers to fund abortion Posted at Prairie State Wire: Governor Bruce Rauner will sign House Bill 40, mandating state taxpayer funding of abortion, sources tell Prairie State Wire. Rauner revealed hi...

A faithful and true witness of the Lord Jesus Christ and His grace in the life of a Pro-life Missionary

And during the months that the South Carolina Legislature is in session (early January to early June), I have been involved with working to get the Right to Life Act of SC passed (a bill to ban all abortion in SC) since it was first introduced in 1998, and began working to de-fund abortion and birth control and sterilization funding from the SC state budget in 1997.” –  Steve Lefemine Today I am reminded of the importance of serving the Lord Jesus Christ in humility and faithfulness. It seems some have forgotten their First Love and have become promoters of self and their good deeds instead of pointing others to the Lord Jesus Christ and the work He did on the Christian's behalf. Sadly, I've seen much of this in the American pro-life movement. It makes me wonder if part of the reason we still have prenatal child-killing is due to the fact that we aren't serving God in a true spirit of humility and obedience. So, as I've been considering the pro-life ministries and its ...

A Discerning Look at the Christian Pro-life Movement in America

By Angela Wittman Can two walk together except they be agreed? - Amos 3:3, 1599 Geneva Bible First of all, may the Reader be aware that I've been a part of the pro-life movement since becoming a Christian in 1993. In fact, the right to life of the preborn and my complicit silence to their murder is the very first sin the good Lord brought to my attention after my conversion to Christ. The knowledge that as an unbeliever I had bloodguilt on my hands for not speaking up for the preborn burnt like a hot knife into the very depth of my being. But I also had true joy and freedom due to the knowledge that I was now a new creation in Christ and I could repent of that sin - and repent I did! I immediately began attending local meetings for the Christian Coalition and a local RTL group. I quickly became involved in the movement and traveled to the State House in Illinois to speak on behalf of the preborn and to Washington DC for the annual Roe v. Wade marches. My activities included campaig...

Inauguration 2013: 'a time to mourn'

By Angela Wittman To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn... Scripture from Ecclesiastes, Chapter 3 (KJV) We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. ~ Declaration of Independence While the wicked danced in the streets of our nation's capitol and celebrated the inauguration of our 44th President yesterday, the righteous in America mourned. We mourned because the very things that made our nation great among others has been mocked and disregarded as worthless old rags good for nothing but to be tossed o n a dung heap and burned.  What are these t...

A closer look at the Sixth Commandment: How it relates to the Church and the Christian’s responsibility to stop the murder of the preborn

By Angela Wittman The Westminster Shorter Catechism asks and answers this question: Question 67 : Which is the sixth commandment? A: The sixth commandment is, Thou shalt not kill . -  Exodus 20:13. Question 68 goes on to ask what is required in the sixth commandment and responds with: The sixth commandment requireth all lawful endeavours to preserve our own life, and the life of others. Francis R Beattie  (1848 - 1906) in The Presbyterian Standards , chapter 24 , section II, The Sixth Commandment, explains in greater detail what is required of God’s people concerning this command [emphasis mine]: In a general way, this command requires all lawful endeavors to preserve our own life and the life of others. This is further explained by the Larger Catechism to include resistance of all thoughts, subduing all passions, and resisting all temptations, which tend to the unjust taking away of the life of any . It also requires just defence of life against ...

Life Network of Southern Illinois: A pro-life mercy ministry

By Angela Wittman Life Network of Southern Illinois located at 224 N. Main St. in Waterloo, Illinois has been helping those in need of unplanned pregnancy care, and providing education and referrals to helpful resources since 1995. Services offered for both males and females are free and confidential. These services include: Pregnancy Tests Baby Resources STD Test/Treatment (for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea) Options Counseling Earn While You Learn Client Education Program Ultrasound Community Referrals Abortion Recovery Support Abstinence Education Male Mentoring Program Child Birth, Breastfeeding, and Newborn Care Classes Upcoming events include a Trivia Night to be held on January 28th at Gibault High School in Waterloo and their annual Spring Banquet with guest speaker Shawn Carney (co-founder of 40 Days for Life) scheduled for April 19th and April 20th at Turner Hall in Columbia, IL . The Life Network of Southern Illinois annual Li...

‘Ignore Roe’ and the holocaust of the Preborn

 January 22, 2012 marks the 39 th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision which opened the floodgates to the holocaust of the Preborn. reports on its Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Law page that: The history of abortion in the United States is far more complicated than most people imagine. It has been an issue of varying contention in this nation for the last 200 years. Nevertheless, abortion has never enjoyed such universal protection under the law as it has for these last three decades. As it stands today, American women have the legal right to obtain an abortion in all 50 states, through all nine months of pregnancy, for virtually any reason at all. This has been true since January of 1973 when the Supreme Court declared that autonomous abortion rights are built into the Constitution, and that any legal barriers which prevent mothers from aborting their children are unconstitutional. This ruling was arrived at on the premise that the 9th and 14th...

Christian Adoption: Opening hearts and homes to orphaned children

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27, ESV Due to be released in February of 2012 is the documentary “ Rescued: The Heart of Adoption and Caring for Orphans ” created by Wintons Motion Pictures and Hedrick Brothers Productions. The film challenges the Church and Christians to take a greater role in caring for orphans through adoption while exploring its common “thread” with missions: "Today, over 130 million children have lost one or both parents, and every 18 seconds, another child in the world becomes an orphan. In America, 114,000 children in the foster care system are currently waiting to be adopted, and an estimated 65,500 of those children have been adopted by homosexual parents. These staggering statistics should cause Christians to ask some probing questions. What would Christ’s church look like if we acted upon James 1:27 which states th...

The Morning Center: New pro-life ministry birthed in Illinois

By Angela Wittman Samaritan Ministries based in Peoria has taken the next step forward in the pro-life movement with developing a new project to directly help mothers and their preborn babies in need of prenatal care: The Morning Center .  Their website states that they were founded in 2011 with the goal to “ provide free full-service pre-natal and maternity care to women in urban and under-served areas.”  Their goal, as stated on the “About Us” section of the website is to eventually establish pro-life hospitals that will offer: Complete prenatal care, counseling, mentoring, and professional photography that celebrates the joy of new life. A birthing center atmosphere in a full service maternity hospital, allowing a mother great flexibility in making birth choices – from facilities for water birth, and space for family, to highly trained staff and equipment needed for any medical situation. Staff members who have a clear sense of God’s calling to demonstrate the Good News ...

On Behalf of the Preborn Babies: An Open Letter to Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina

Dear Governor Haley, I am writing to you as a sister in Christ, who is 100% pro-life (no exception, no compromise) which you have also been designated by Holly Gatling, Executive Director of SC Citizens for Life . Below is the text of a letter which is posted on your website : [Emphasis mine, AW] May 20, 2010 The Honorable Nikki Haley P.O. Box 47 Lexington, S.C.  29071 Dear Representative Haley: This letter is to thank you for returning your candidate survey to South Carolina Citizens for Life.  Your survey is rated 100 percent.   Legislation and political action save innocent human life.   We appreciate your dedication to protecting pre-born children and the medically fragile members of our human family from abortion and euthanasia. It is a credit to the Republican candidates for Governor in the 2010 Primary Election that the pro-life surveys on record are all 100 percent; therefore LIFEPAC, the state political action committee of South Carolina ...

States of Refuge - New Strategy and Website for Ending the Holocaust of the Preborn Launched

By Angela Wittman A new website and strategy for ending the holocaust of the preborn has been launched by a cooperative effort of pro-life leaders: States of . Ultimate and immediate goals are stated on the National Strategy page as: Our ultimate goal is to end the American holocaust that has invoked God’s just wrath upon our nation. The immediate goal is to establish the first abortion free states since Roe vs. Wade. Five states in particular have been chosen due to being the most vulnerable and weakest of the prenatal child-killing industry: Arkansas, Mississippi, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming.  These states have been targeted as states as refuge from the sin of blood-guilt staining America. Christians are asked to pray and lend their support to making these five states abortion free. Ministries that have stated their intention to help in this effort include: Pastor Mark Holick/Spirit One Ministries: He has agreed to help prepare the way. He will work...

Pro-Life Hero Rep. Bobby Franklin Remembered as a Man of Christian Principles

By Angela Wittman “Rep. Franklin would want his legacy to be one of principled leadership. He wasvery fond of saying it is never the right time to do the wrong thing,” Setzler said. “He would want to be remembered first as a person of faith and second as a person who loved his country and loved liberty.” - Rep. Ed Setzler, Franklin remembered for his principles, dedication, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 7.26.2011 Rep. Bobby Franklin of Marietta, Georgia was found dead of apparently natural causes in his home on July 26th. Rep. Bobby Franklin was a consistent defender of life as is proven by his sponsorship of Georgia HB1 . The Summary of the bill states: A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend the Official Code of Georgia Annotated so as to provide that prenatal murder shall be unlawful in all events and to remove numerous references to such procedures; to amend Title 16, relating to crimes and offenses, so as to make certain findings of fact; to define certain terms; to provide that...

All People Have Value

By Angela Wittman I remember standing in front of the horrid Granite City, Illinois abortion mill (named the Hope Clinic) several years ago holding a graphic dismembered baby sign. At the time the death camp staff was irate with the protesters and came out to take pictures of us as a form of intimidation. As the death camp worker and a security guard came near me, someone mentioned they wanted to "see Jesus" from the protesters. I held up my sign to the worker and security guard and said "Take a look. This baby was made in God's image." Not too long afterward the security guard died; I often wonder if he repented and accepted Christ before his sudden death. The point I was trying to make to the death camp workers is that all children are God's handiwork and it is not for any man (or woman) to say that one life has more or less value than others; yet this is what we do in our modern culture. We pit mother against child and tell her that if her baby is conceiv...

Weeping for the Children

By Angela Wittman In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not. - Matthew 2.18 In four days America will observe the 38th anniversary of the deadly court decision Roe vs. Wade.  But will America weep for the children who have had their lives ended in the most barbaric and inhumane means possible? Has the Church in America witnessed enough bloodshed that she will arise and declare the flow of innocent blood must end? How long will a holy and just God allow us to go on while the blood of the preborn cries out to Him for justice? Friends, are you weeping?  Perhaps today's news headlines of a gruesome crime in West Philadelphia will help awaken the sleeping church. The Associated Press reports that Dr. Kermit Gosnell, an abortionist in Philadelphia has been charged with "eight counts of murder in the deaths of a patient and seven babies who were born alive and ...

A Mother's Anguish

By Angela Wittman Perhaps you have heard it said that having an abortion doesn't prevent one from becoming a mother, it just makes her the mother of a dead child.  I recently came across the story of a young woman ( Kelly Clinger ) who has a history of aborting her pre-born babies and is now suffering the heartbreak and anguish that comes from a realization that what she did was wrong and irrevocable.  She has come to understand that her "abortion" was not just a termination of a pregnancy or the destruction of a blob of tissue or the removal of a clump of cells that had potential to be a human life, but the actual destruction of a tiny, living human being - her pre-born baby.  Praise the Lord, Kelly Clinger has come to know the Lord Jesus Christ and I trust He will heal her broken heart and give her opportunity to speak on behalf of the pre-born and those who have bought into the lie that a woman has a right to kill her pre-born child.  But her grief and ...