Dear Friends of Christian Liberty, I am writing you on behalf of the “Christian Liberty Party” which has been on-line since 2006. Below is a message from Keith Humphrey, the owner of the Christian Liberty Party website and domain, to give you a general, brief overview of the history of the Christian Liberty Party. The original purpose of the Christian Liberty Party website was to provide a forum for communication, with the goal of the re-unification of various State Parties which disaffiliated from the Constitution Party National Committee in 2006. The hope was that these various State Parties with explicitly Christian and uncompromising Pro-Life principles would come together and continue to be a voice in the public sphere of politics. I was holding the name in trust, with the hope that one of the original Pro-Life leaders, such as Michael Peroutka, Cal Zastrow, Rick Jore, or Leslie Riley, would provide the charismatic leadership to draw together various Pro-Life State political parti...
"Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised." Prov. 30:31 KJV