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The LORD's mercy and grace shown toward a father and daughter

8 The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. 9 The Lord is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works. 10 All thy works shall praise thee, O Lord; and thy saints shall bless thee. Psalm 145 (KJV)  Dear Friends, It has been approximately 6 weeks since my last blog post and I am happy to report the good Lord has been at work in our family and my father's current situation. Father is currently living in a nursing home that is staffed with competent, caring and compassionate souls. After Peggy's death, the staff and some of the patients reached out to Dad with sympathy and understanding. Dad appears to be content there, though I know it is hard for him to give up his independence. I try to visit at least twice a week (it is a 45 minute drive from my home) and supply him with easy to read books, cookies, muffins and family pictures. The family pictures and articles from our family history blog seem to help h

Love, Divorce, Broken Families and Trusting in the Sovereignty of the Lord

Dad. mother, Terry, Kenny and me. Late 1950's. Dear Friends, It's been a month since I last wrote a blog post here and I hope to fill you in on what has been happening, as well as request your prayers for us. What many of you do not know is I've been estranged from my father for almost a year, and it has been a terribly depressing time for me and my family with much worry and grief.  My father is 82 years-old with Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer's Disease. How did our estrangement happen? Let me tell you our story with the hope you'll pray for us and possibly avoid such trouble in your lives, too. My parents met and fell madly in love in the mid 1950's. Dad was a handsome airman in the United States Air Force and mom was a captivating beauty living in a town near the base where Dad was stationed. My father had a brief marriage to a childhood sweetheart in his hometown who he divorced; I believe mom was under the impression that Dad was single

Heads Up Illinois Parents

Dear Friends, In 1994 I was elected to our local school board on an explicitly Christian platform. Our greatest concerns (I'm referring to my Christian friends and supporters) was Goals 2000 (Outcome Based Education), Comprehensive Sex Ed and the general intolerance of Christianity. I served until the spring of 1999 and did not seek re-election due to the lack of support from my husband. Looking back I think he saw the physical toll the constant stress was taking on me. I also remember the ridicule my teenage sons saw directed toward their mother by the head of the local teachers union who was also their biology teacher; I felt a duty to resist the potential wickedness I believed was headed our way if we did not draw a line in the sand against unrighteousness as an administrative body. But I never thought I would be sitting here 19 years later warning Illinois parents that legislation was being proposed that would mandate schools to teach children LGBT history. Here is an

The History of Our Future Home

Crawford County, Mo 1904 Map Dear Friends, My husband and I own property in Crawford County, Missouri, where we plan to eventually retire. So, while researching area churches, I came across this history of the founding of Cook Station, Missouri, where our property is located. As most of you know, I love history and this area appears to be rich in it. In future posts I plan to share more nuggets of this area's history and perhaps some photos as well. Please take some time to read and enjoy! Villages of Crawford County, Missouri - COOK STATION  Cook Station had its beginning with the building of the railroad along the Meramec Valley toward Salem in 1872-73. Several years before this Christopher C. Cook and wife had moved from Dent County and settled at the present site of the village.  The Civil War came and Christopher enlisted in the Confederate Army where he served first as a private in Company F. Fifth Missouri Cavalry, and later raised and became captain Of


Source: The Banner of Truth "The postmillennialist believes that the millennium is an era (not necessarily a literal thousand years) during which Christ will reign over the earth, not from a literal and earthly throne, but through the gradual increase of the Gospel and its power to change lives. After this gradual Christianization of the world, Christ will return and immediately usher the church into their eternal state after judging the wicked. This is called postmillennialism because, by its view, Christ will return after the millennium." ( Postmillennialism at  Theopedia ) Dear Friends, Years ago I read the book The Puritan Hope by Iain H. Murray  and find myself going back to it every few years for encouragement and a reminder of what I believe the Bible teaches regarding eschatology. Here is the book's description as posted at Banner of Truth : Today the Church’s hope in respect to her mission of discipling all nations is in eclipse. The world gives Christian

Facebook - The Gig Is Up

This issue is at the center of the Cambridge Analytica data scandal that the social media company is facing right now. The political research firm was able to access data on more than 50 million Facebook users through a third-party personality quiz application, without the knowledge or consent of users. The quiz maker wasn't supposed to pass the information along, but Facebook at the time had no technical measures in place to prevent it. Cambridge Analytica later used this and other information to create detailed psychological profiles of Facebook users and to micro-target political ads at some of them, ... -  Excerpt from Here's how to see which apps have access to your Facebook data — and cut them off - CNBC Dear Friends, I have always had a disdain for Facebook and remember deleting an account several years ago, only to find myself creating a new one due to missing friends and family who have Facebook accounts. My greatest concern years ago was the lack of and prote

Yes, Bruce Rauner, We're Thrilled

'We’re thrilled,' Ives said at her election night party in Glen Ellyn, as she stood about three percentage points behind Rauner. 'This is an insurgent campaign that started less than five months ago and to come this close to taking out the worst Republican governor in America is phenomenal.' ( ) Dear Friends, Last night I watched the Illinois Primary results with great astonishment as GOP pro-life, conservative candidate Jeanne Ives stayed within a few percentage points of wealthy, pro-abort, no social agenda (?) Bruce Rauner, the incumbent Republican Governor of Illinois. In fact, folks, I'm encouraged even though Bruce managed to snake his way to winning the Republican Primary. Why am I encouraged? Examine the evidence for yourself: With 9,825/10,119 precincts reporting this morning, Bruce "pro-abort" Rauner received 351,086 votes to Jeanne Ives 330,227. Folks, he only won by 3%!!! (

Why do we continue to elect pro-aborts?

'Illinois has become a dumping ground for other states with our flimsy abortion laws and politicians’ flippant attitude toward providing women with resources on all their options.' -  Emily Troscinski, executive director of Illinois Right to Life Dear Friends, My question is geared toward Illinois citizens specifically, but also applies generally to voters in the United States. This morning I came across the news story MORE WOMEN SEEM TO BE CROSSING STATE LINES TO HAVE ABORTIONS IN ILLINOIS   which reveals that while the numbers of abortions might be going down, it also appears that surrounding states who are tightening their laws against abortion have more women coming to Illinois to abort their unborn children because our laws are so lax. Here is an excerpt from the article mentioned above: When Alison Dreith learned of her unplanned pregnancy, the St. Louis resident said she chose to travel to Illinois to have an abortion in 2016. She is the executive direct

Struggling with forgiveness?

 "Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven—for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little.” Luke 7: 47 (ESV) Dear Friends, As we read reports of those who have been abused, hated, persecuted and victimized, one might be wondering what the Christian's duty is regarding forgiveness. Do we unconditionally forgive those who have wronged us? Or do we only forgive if the offender has shown true repentance and asked our forgiveness? What does Scripture teach regarding the matter of forgiveness? I struggle with these questions, and if you do too, here is a sound resource that might help answer your questions from a Biblical viewpoint. The article I'm featuring is " Do We Have to Forgive Someone If They Don't Repent? " written by Timothy W. Massaro and is posted at Core Christianity .  I'll be sharing some excerpts below and encourage you to read the entire article. This question is a perennial problem. Everyo

March 20, 2018: Please remember to NOT vote for Bruce Rauner

Dear Friends, The 2018 Illinois gubernatorial primary election is fast approaching and will take place on March 20th.  Please remember to NOT vote for pro-abort Governor Bruce Rauner. I don't care how much the Republican establishment in Illinois throws at you in order to secure this wicked man's re-election, please stand firm in your resolve to not allow a prenatal baby killer (or one who supports it) to serve as governor of our state. Just say "no" to fear and "yes" to faith in Christ by voting for a godly candidate. Here are just a few articles documenting Bruce Rauner's betrayal of the pre-born and the conservative Christians who helped elect him in 2014: IL GOP Gov. Bruce Rauner to sign HB 40, become first governor in U.S. to require taxpayers to fund abortion Posted at Prairie State Wire: Governor Bruce Rauner will sign House Bill 40, mandating state taxpayer funding of abortion, sources tell Prairie State Wire. Rauner revealed hi

The Battle of Maxton Field

An image of the clash now held by the State Archives - Source: NCDCR On January 18, 1958, the Ku Klux Klan rallied in a field outside of Maxton in Robeson County to “put the Indians in their place, to end race mixing.” ( Excerpt from Lumbees Rally, Klansmen Scurry, in Robeson County - This Day In NC History ) Dear Friends, I've been researching my father's family history and while trying to verify our Native American ancestry, I came across this article and video of folk singer Malvina Reynolds telling the story of the North Carolina Lumbee Tribe and their encounter with the KKK in January of 1958: Lumbees Rally, Klansmen Scurry, in Robeson County On January 18, 1958, the Ku Klux Klan rallied in a field outside of Maxton in Robeson County to “put the Indians in their place, to end race mixing.” A generator powered the public address system and the single light bulb that illuminated the speaker’s immediate area. With only the dim light, the Klansmen, numberin

Sin, Divorce and the Consequences

Little did I know that the evening after writing this blog post the news of  Missouri Governor Eric Greiten's adultery  would come to light. What a shame he has brought upon his marriage, wife, children, family, friends and citizens of Missouri. Please don't be deceived by the term "affair" - adultery is not pretty or benign - it destroys marriages, trust between family members and the lives of innocent spouses and children. The actions of Gov. Greiten was not a romantic fling - it was that of perverted, unnatural, abusive sexual gratification. He probably needs counseling and should immediately step down in an attempt to show remorse and protect his family. May the good Lord give the people of Missouri wisdom in how to deal with this matter and the strength to reject evil and stand for righteousness. In Lord Jesus Name, I pray, amen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 Now when Jesus had finished these sayings, he went away from Galilee and entered the region of Judea beyond

Aiming for Godly Growth in 2018

Dear Friends, There is much busyness in the life of today's women, but if you are a Christian, you will have a desire to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord. Here are some recently written articles by other authors I think you'll find valuable. I pray you'll make time to read and reflect upon the godly advice and wisdom shared in each one. The first article is  On Being a Christian Woman in the Year of Our Lord, 2018   written by Abigail Dodds and posted at her blog Hope and Stay . Abigail writes about the hunger of Christian women for sound teaching in today's churches, which is right and good, but also warns of some pitfalls and how to avoid them. Here are some valuable excerpts from her article: Here’s my summary: Biblically-conservative Christian women are eager to have visible, biblically-conservative leadership by women in their churches and eager to learn from gifted, female Bible teachers whether locally or nationally. Secondly, women with

Goals for 2018

Projects I plan to work on in 2018: · Research the Wittman's (I suspect there's a Reformed/Lutheran heritage to explore) and update the Wittman family blog; · Look more into the Scottish origins of William "the rebel" Lawson (a Jacobite banished from Scotland to America - mother's side of the family); · Dig deeper into the Stone family (English - also mother's side); · Research more in-depth the Christian heritage of America and its impact on the South Eastern Native Americans (father's side of the family); · Grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord; · Become more Christ-like at home. But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen. ~ 2 Peter 3:18 (AKJV) To accomplish these goals, I'll be using  Tabletalk Magazine's 2018 Bible Reading Schedule , along with the Reformation Study Bible (ESV) from Ligonier Ministries  and the devotional "