Dear Friends,
In 1994 I was elected to our local school board on an explicitly Christian platform. Our greatest concerns (I'm referring to my Christian friends and supporters) was Goals 2000 (Outcome Based Education), Comprehensive Sex Ed and the general intolerance of Christianity. I served until the spring of 1999 and did not seek re-election due to the lack of support from my husband.
Looking back I think he saw the physical toll the constant stress was taking on me. I also remember the ridicule my teenage sons saw directed toward their mother by the head of the local teachers union who was also their biology teacher; I felt a duty to resist the potential wickedness I believed was headed our way if we did not draw a line in the sand against unrighteousness as an administrative body. But I never thought I would be sitting here 19 years later warning Illinois parents that legislation was being proposed that would mandate schools to teach children LGBT history.
Here is an excerpt from today's iB2 News (Illinois Baptist Briefing News & Commentary):
Legislation would require Illinois schools to teach LGBT history
Legislation pending in Springfield would require a gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender section be added to history classes and have school districts ensure textbooks “portray the diversity of our society.” Supporters say the state already has similar rules requiring lessons on African-Americans and other groups. They say a dedicated LGBT history unit would give students greater perspective on instrumental Americans whose stories often go untold.There is also an update on proposed ERA legislation (yes, it has popped up its ugly head again!):
Illinois Senate approves federal Equal Rights Amendment
The Illinois Senate voted April 11 to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, renewing a push from decades ago. The vote came about 36 years after the amendment appeared to die after just 35 states ratified it, three short of what was needed by the 1982 deadline. Still, advocates have pushed for a “three-state solution,” contending Congress can extend the deadline and the amendment should go into effect if three additional states vote in favor.Parents, please stay updated on what is happening in the local schools and state legislature in Springfield. You must remain ever vigilant in order to safeguard your children and the future of our state. Try to join with other concerned parents, write letters to the editor, share information on social media and express your concerns to your local school board and elected officials.
May the good Lord bless our efforts and strengthen our hands as we seek to be salt and light in our community, state and nation. Amen.
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