By Angela Wittman Let us continue with Pastor McLeod's pamphlet Negro Slavery Unjustified (printed in 1802) as he explains how American slavery of Negroes was in violation of the Commandments of God: 4. The practice which I am opposing is a manifest violation of four precepts of the decalogue. If this can be shown, it will be an additional confirmation of the doctrine of the proposition. Revelation informs us , that whosoever offends in one point is guilty of all. James 2:10. And the reason is added, because the same authority is wantonly opposed in that one point which gives sanction to the whole of divine revelation. By inference, therefore, the whole decalogue is violated; but there is a direct breach of the fifth, the sixth, the eighth and the tenth commandments. The fifth requires the performance of those duties which respect the several relations in which we stand to one another; and particularly enforces obedience to our natural parents. The Christian’s duty to the wretche...
"Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised." Prov. 30:31 KJV