Dear Friends, The 2018 Illinois gubernatorial primary election is fast approaching and will take place on March 20th. Please remember to NOT vote for pro-abort Governor Bruce Rauner. I don't care how much the Republican establishment in Illinois throws at you in order to secure this wicked man's re-election, please stand firm in your resolve to not allow a prenatal baby killer (or one who supports it) to serve as governor of our state. Just say "no" to fear and "yes" to faith in Christ by voting for a godly candidate. Here are just a few articles documenting Bruce Rauner's betrayal of the pre-born and the conservative Christians who helped elect him in 2014: IL GOP Gov. Bruce Rauner to sign HB 40, become first governor in U.S. to require taxpayers to fund abortion Posted at Prairie State Wire: Governor Bruce Rauner will sign House Bill 40, mandating state taxpayer funding of abortion, sources tell Prairie State Wire. Rauner revealed hi...
"Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised." Prov. 30:31 KJV