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In Honor of Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation

By Angela Wittman “Your Imperial Majesty and Your Lordships demand a simple answer. Here it is, plain and unvarnished. Unless I am convicted [convinced] of error by the testimony of Scripture or (since I put no trust in the unsupported authority of Pope or councils, since it is plain that they have often erred and often contradicted themselves) by manifest reasoning, I stand convicted [convinced] by the Scriptures to which I have appealed, and my conscience is taken captive by God's word, I cannot and will not recant anything, for to act against our conscience is neither safe for us, nor open to us. "On this I take my stand. I can do no other. God help me. Amen." ~ Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms, April 17, 1521. (Source: Martin Luther: Excerpts from his account of the confrontation at the Diet of Worms ) Martin Luther's nailing of the 95 Theses  to the All Saints Church door at Wittenberg on October 31, 1517 has long been said to be the ...

On Behalf of the Preborn Babies: An Open Letter to Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina

Dear Governor Haley, I am writing to you as a sister in Christ, who is 100% pro-life (no exception, no compromise) which you have also been designated by Holly Gatling, Executive Director of SC Citizens for Life . Below is the text of a letter which is posted on your website : [Emphasis mine, AW] May 20, 2010 The Honorable Nikki Haley P.O. Box 47 Lexington, S.C.  29071 Dear Representative Haley: This letter is to thank you for returning your candidate survey to South Carolina Citizens for Life.  Your survey is rated 100 percent.   Legislation and political action save innocent human life.   We appreciate your dedication to protecting pre-born children and the medically fragile members of our human family from abortion and euthanasia. It is a credit to the Republican candidates for Governor in the 2010 Primary Election that the pro-life surveys on record are all 100 percent; therefore LIFEPAC, the state political action committee of South Carolina ...

States of Refuge - New Strategy and Website for Ending the Holocaust of the Preborn Launched

By Angela Wittman A new website and strategy for ending the holocaust of the preborn has been launched by a cooperative effort of pro-life leaders: States of . Ultimate and immediate goals are stated on the National Strategy page as: Our ultimate goal is to end the American holocaust that has invoked God’s just wrath upon our nation. The immediate goal is to establish the first abortion free states since Roe vs. Wade. Five states in particular have been chosen due to being the most vulnerable and weakest of the prenatal child-killing industry: Arkansas, Mississippi, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming.  These states have been targeted as states as refuge from the sin of blood-guilt staining America. Christians are asked to pray and lend their support to making these five states abortion free. Ministries that have stated their intention to help in this effort include: Pastor Mark Holick/Spirit One Ministries: He has agreed to help prepare the way. He will work...

Home Schooled Teen Re-enacts Covenanters

By Angela Wittman Sarah Livingston - Photo Courtesy of WLOX - 13 A friend recently sent me this link to a story about a home schooled teen, Sarah Livingston, and her re-enactment of the Scottish Covenanters for a Mississippi History Day Competition at USM this past June where she won first place in the Performance category and the Overall prize in the high school division. Sarah is quoted in the news story as saying she wrote her own script and found her own props for the ten minute performance before the judges. To prepare for the competition she not only studied the history of the Covenanters, but she also studied the Scottish accent to make her performance more realistic. In my opinion, this is quite remarkable for a seventeen year-old young lady! May the good Lord bless Sarah Livingston and her quest to introduce others to the Scottish Covenanters through historical drama; she truly appears to be a twenty-first century Lady of the Covenant. News Source :

Conspiracy Theories: A Question of Sovereignty

By Angela Wittman And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left...

Pro-Life Hero Rep. Bobby Franklin Remembered as a Man of Christian Principles

By Angela Wittman “Rep. Franklin would want his legacy to be one of principled leadership. He wasvery fond of saying it is never the right time to do the wrong thing,” Setzler said. “He would want to be remembered first as a person of faith and second as a person who loved his country and loved liberty.” - Rep. Ed Setzler, Franklin remembered for his principles, dedication, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 7.26.2011 Rep. Bobby Franklin of Marietta, Georgia was found dead of apparently natural causes in his home on July 26th. Rep. Bobby Franklin was a consistent defender of life as is proven by his sponsorship of Georgia HB1 . The Summary of the bill states: A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend the Official Code of Georgia Annotated so as to provide that prenatal murder shall be unlawful in all events and to remove numerous references to such procedures; to amend Title 16, relating to crimes and offenses, so as to make certain findings of fact; to define certain terms; to provide that...

Monroe County, Illinois: Built Upon a Sure Foundation

By Angela Wittman For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3.11 KJV Previously in An Explicitly Christian "Old Path" in Monroe County, Illinois  we looked at the Christian history of New Design which is located approximately 4 miles south of Waterloo.  Today I want to share with you a story about Elder Peter Rogers, one of the founders of Waterloo, Illinois. In Chapter 58 of The History of Southern Illinois by George Washington Smith published in 1912, we read that Elder Peter Rogers was the descendant of Protestant Martyr John Rogers who was burned at the stake in Smithfield, England in February of 1555. Fox's Book of Martyrs tells us this about the life and martyrdom John Rogers: John Rogers was educated at Cambridge, and was afterward many years chaplain to the merchant adventurers at Antwerp in Brabant. Here he met with the celebrated martyr William Tyndale, and Miles Coverdale, both voluntary exiles from their co...