Christians understand that what has gone wrong with the world can’t be fixed with political activism or culture war victories. I have a lot of sympathy for the expression 'politics is downstream from culture.' That is mostly true. But a more complete truth is that culture is downstream from theology and anthropology and ontology. Politics and culture are both effects, not causes. Politics and culture influence each other, sometimes in helpful ways and sometimes in unhelpful ways. (Source: The Political Illusion by Warren Cole Smith – MinistryWatch ) At the risk of being controversial in this highly polarized political age, I would like to share some wisdom I learned as a Christian political activist. I tried to stay above the political fray during my time as an organizer for Christian Coalition and as a pro-life activist in our community. While it was assumed that I would support Republican candidates, I did not mindlessly support them because the Democrats were big bad wol...
It's bittersweet to learn that a much loved woman of God has left our world and is now in the presence of Christ. I rejoice for Linda that she is experiencing the great love and joy all Christians look forward to, but I am also a bit sad that while on this earth she wasn't appreciated by the world for the gift of God she truly was to us all. I became acquainted with Linda when she and other members of Repent America were arrested for sharing the Gospel at an "Outfest" in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They were known as the Philadelphia 11 and were on national news sites in the fall/winter of 2004 and throughout 2005. I'm not certain how Linda and I connected, but we communicated via e-mail and her gracious manner endeared her to me. She soon became a role model and I thank God for her Christian witness. Here is an article I wrote about the Philadelphia 11 in 2004: Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. (2 Timothy 3:12) Dear Fr...