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Abiding in Christ: Linda Kay Beckman (1936 - 2024)

It's bittersweet to learn that a much loved woman of God has left our world and is now in the presence of Christ. I rejoice for Linda that she is experiencing the great love and joy all Christians look forward to, but I am also a bit sad that while on this earth she wasn't appreciated by the world for the gift of God she truly was to us all.

I became acquainted with Linda when she and other members of Repent America were arrested for sharing the Gospel at an "Outfest" in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They were known as the Philadelphia 11 and were on national news sites in the fall/winter of 2004 and throughout 2005. 

I'm not certain how Linda and I connected, but we communicated via e-mail and her gracious manner endeared her to me. She soon became a role model and I thank God for her Christian witness. 

Here is an article I wrote about the Philadelphia 11 in 2004:

Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
(2 Timothy 3:12)

Dear Friends,

The recent arrest of a group of Christians here in America has compelled me to write to the Church in America about abiding in Christ and the inevitable persecution this will bring.

The recent persecution I am referring to is the arrest of eleven Christians, which took place in the city of "brotherly love" commonly known as Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The group of Christians had gone to the annual homosexual event called "Outfest" (which covers a 15-block downtown area) to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The engagement of our culture as modeled by the Repent America group in Philadelphia is what we all are called to do, if we are true disciples of Jesus Christ.

Here is an excerpt of the November 15, 2004 press release, Preliminary Hearing Set for Christians Charged with Hate Crimes as released by Repent America:

"They [the Repent America group] were met by the 'Pink Angels', an organization founded by attorney Chuck Volz, senior advisor to Philly Pride Presents, who had stated in a pre-event interview that their group would carry large signs to block Christians’ access to Outfest participants.

"A group of the 'Pink Angels' locked arms to create a human wall to blockade the public sidewalk and prevent the Christians from proceeding. The Philadelphia Civil Affairs Police Captain, William Fisher, initially broke the blockade when requested to do so by Marcavage, and confirmed that they had freedom to go where they wanted on the public street and sidewalks. However, Fisher failed to take subsequent action when the 'Pink Angels' again surrounded the Christians and began to blow whistles, scream obscenities, and hold their approximately 10-foot-high pink Styrofoam boards to obscure the Repent America workers from anyone’s view.

"After a complaint by an Outfest vendor, and some discussion with Marcavage about the legalities of both the 'Pink Angels' and Captain Fisher’s actions, Fisher moved the Christians to a more remote location.

"However, the 'Pink Angels' continued to surround, obstruct and shout at the Christians.

"Neither City Attorney Karen Simmons nor Chief Inspector of the Civil Affairs Division, James Tiano, would deal with the boisterous behavior of the 'Pink Angels' nor would specify what laws, if any, Repent America workers were breaking.

"However, when Marcavage and his group attempted to walk to another area, Chief Tiano unexpectedly placed all eleven Christians under arrest.

"The Christians, including a juvenile, were held from 1:30 Sunday afternoon until Monday morning, with a sixty-seven-year-old woman not released until ten days later.

"They were charged with three Felonies: Criminal Conspiracy, Ethnic Intimidation, which falls under 'Hate Crimes', and Riot; as well as five Misdemeanors: Reckless Endangerment, Possession of Instruments of Crime, Failure to Disperse, Disorderly Conduct, and Obstructing Highways. None of the 'Pink Angels' were cited or arrested.

Out of this group of Christians arrested was the woman who was incarcerated for ten days. I listened to her story via Internet radio at the "Heart of the Matter with Pastor Ralph Ovadal," (

The first thing I noticed about this woman was the love of Jesus Christ reflected in her voice. She did not sound angry and bitter over her ordeal, but instead she expressed gratitude for the opportunity to serve Jesus Christ in a women's prison filled with profanity and the vileness of lesbianism.

What the enemies of the cross meant for harm, the LORD used for good as the women inmates were exposed to the truth and beauty of the cross. As this woman won their respect, they soon refrained from using profanity in her presence and acknowledged her as a Godly woman.

This brave woman, Linda Beckman, truly knows the security of abiding in Christ and she has suffered for it. The authorities in Philadelphia should honor Linda for her faithful witness of love instead of wrongfully arresting her for it.

Scripture tells us "the eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms..."(Deut. 33:27 KJV).

May we place our trust in Christ as Linda has. Amen.

*You can read Linda's account of her arrest and imprisonment at Imprisoned for a Purpose which is archived at the Repent America website.



Linda Kay Beckman

November 11, 1936 – August 16, 2024

Linda Kay Beckman, age 87, of Phoenixville, Pennsylvania passed away on Friday, August 16, 2024.

Source: Linda Beckman Obituary - Blue Bell, PA (


Linda Beckman with Repent America (RA), and one of the Philadelphia 11, featured in a television commercial opposing the proposed federal "hate crimes" law. The bill, formally known as the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007, has been renamed the Matthew Shepard Act. It was approved by the House of Representatives by a vote of 237 to 180 on May 3, 2007. It was then approved by the Senate by a voice vote on September 27, 2007.

Direct Link: 


Linda was also a pro-life Christian activist. She paved the way for many of us and set a godly example for us to follow. She inspired so many to stand for Christ, the Gospel, the preborn and to stand against evil, death, destruction and sin. 

Dear Heavenly Father,

We thank You for Linda Beckman and the impact she had upon this earth. We know without a doubt that she is now in Your presence. May You bless her memory and the legacy of loving her neighbor as herself while on this earth.

Please comfort Linda's family and friends as they will miss her gracious presence in their lives.

In Lord Jesus' Name I pray, amen.

Source: Facebook


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