Thought Provoking and Excellent Read
Once in a while I come across a book that challenges and leaves a lasting impression. This is one of those books and while the author repented of a past of homosexuality, the truths and observations she writes about are common to all of us who come from a background of worldliness into the church. If I may say one thing it's that Christians need to read this and learn from it. When I came to the Reformed Church (RPCNA) it was as though I had entered another world. I remember telling my pastor that it was as though I was in the Twilight Zone as I had become a Christian in a non-denominational church that did not sing Psalms or strictly observe the Regulative Principle. He and his wife were patient and gracious to this ignorant woman and my prayer is that those who read this book will also be patient and gracious toward new converts. May God bless Rosaria Butterfield for telling the truth of what all of us unlikely converts go through when joining a Reformed Presbyterian Church. :)
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