Encouragement for Today: Psalm 120A,B
I cried in trouble to the LORD,
And He has answered me.
From lying lips and crafty tongue,
O LORD, my soul set free.
What shall be given you, false tongue;
What added to your doom?
Sharp arrows from a warrior’s bow,
And red-hot coals of broom!
Alas for me that I’ve sojourned
So long in Meshech’s land,
That I have made my dwelling where
The tents of Kedar stand!
Too long my soul has made its home
With those who peace abhor.
I stand for peace, but when I speak,
They then prepare for war.
~The Book of Psalms for Worship (Words Only Edition), Crown & Covenant Publications
Also published at: https://www.facebook.com/notes/angela-somers-wittman/encouragement-for-today-psalm-120ab/142882616885412/
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