Generations with Vision, a daily radio ministry that addresses cultural issues from a Biblical viewpoint featuring home school advocate, father of five and pastor Kevin Swanson as host is planning their Family Economics 2012 Conference for March 8 -10 at Wheaton College, 501 College Avenue, Wheaton, Illinois. This will be their third annual event; topics to be covered include:
- Raising Sons to Provide
- Household Budget Management
- Marketing a Family Business
- Facing the Onslaught of Socialism
- Household Chores and Time Management
- The Duties of Dominion
- Keys to Being a Successful Family Entrepreneur
- Stories from Successful Family Start-Ups
- A Special Proverbs 31 Track for Moms
Speakers scheduled for the 2012 conference include Kevin Swanson, Erik Weir, Steve and Teri Maxwell, Bill Roth, Alex and Cassie Michael, and RC Sproul Jr. A full schedule of events can be found here.
The Family Economics Vision page of the Family 2012 Economics Conference website tells us that:
In March of 2010, over 800 attendees gathered in Castle Rock, Colorado from over 30 states and 3 countries to attend the very first conference of its kind: the 2010 Family Economics conference. Not a homeschooling conference, worldview symposium, or financial seminar, the Family Economics Conference takes on the socialism of our day head on with a full-orbed biblical approach to family and family economics.
In March of 2011, Generations hosted another packed-out Family Economics conference in Raleigh, NC. The conference was filled to the brim with speakers, vision, and practical panels for the family economy. Speakers included Doug Phillips, Stephen Beck, Kevin Swanson, Scott Brown, RC Sproul Jr, Erik Weir, and many more!
Registration for the four day event is priced at $279 per family and $99 per individual and includes a Liberty Day Celebration planned for Saturday evening.
The Liberty Day Celebration is described as “a dramatic reenactment of the 2nd Virginia Convention” and “has been hosted annually in the Chicago area for homeschool families for over 10 years.” You can learn more about the Liberty Day event at the Liberty Day Foundation’s website:
Lodging for the event has been arranged with Fairfield Inn and Suites with a limited quantity of rooms at a discounted price of $64.00 per night. Attendees are advised to make reservations soon by calling 630-577-1820 and asking for the special “Family Economics” rate.
This event looks to be one that all members of the family will enjoy, learn and benefit from, plus remember for a lifetime.
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