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Showing posts from March, 2014

Were the Solway Martyrs martyred for the Judicial Laws of Moses?

By Angela Wittman "Were the Solway Martyrs martyred for the Judicial Laws of Moses?  No.  They were martyred for a very specific liturgical reason:  they would not say 'God save the King.'  While it is true that they believed God was Lord over the State, the specific context dealt with God's lordship over the Church." - Jacob Aitken ( Bayou Huguenot ) in response to the article Covenanter Theonomy I recently came across the article "Covenanter Theonomy" posted at the blog Theonomy Resources and while I agreed with the history presented of the Scottish Covenanters, I almost fell out of my chair when I perceived the author to be linking the "two Margarets" martyrdom to theonomy. So, out of respect for the memories of those two noble " Ladies of the Covenant " I feel compelled to present their story as history records. First of all, let's define the term "theonomy" as it is used today: Theopedia defines theonomy as ...

A Review of 'Uniting Church and Family: Observations about the current family crisis'

By Angela Wittman Uniting Church and Family: Observations about the current family crisis by Shawn C. Mathis is a collection of published essays (estimated 112 pages, Kindle edition) about the family integrated church movement and what he calls "unsubstantiated" views expressed by some of the leaders in the homeschooling movement. Shawn Mathis is a homeschooling parent and pastors a reformed church, which gives him a unique perspective of these issues, plus a desire to see these things addressed in truth and with Christian love among those in disagreement. Pastor Mathis states in the introduction that this is a "work of love" and "the result of a homeschooling father who investigated the claims of homeschooling's inherent superiority both in history and in academic testing." And "it is the conclusion of a Presbyterian minister who evaluated the claims of homeschooling and family integrated church revivals." The author goes on to say t...