Dear Friends,
I am amazed at the changes taking place in my family and even within my own heart/attitude. The LORD is truly showing Himself to be kind and merciful in the Wittman household. If you have been praying for me and my family, I want to say “thank you.” Since I left the Constitution Party in early 2005, I have been going through a time of spiritual growth which has had its ups and downs. The best way to describe it is as a “wall” was blocking my view and sometimes I felt quite alone and in the dark. I always knew the LORD was with me, but I was not seeing quite as clearly (or hearing quite as plainly) as when I was a new believer. Yet, I also knew that the LORD was taking me through a time of growth.
As a new believer, this thought would periodically come to me: “You can serve God and praise Him in good times, but what will you do when hard times come?” I would then think: “LORD willing, I will still praise His Name as He is my strength... Lord, please make me able to stand in the dark times as well as the bright.” Well, it’s been almost 4 years of dark trials and growth. Yesterday I prayed “Dear LORD, if this is the Holy Spirit reminding me of all my past sins in order to work repentance in my heart, so be it... But if this is the enemy, please shut his mouth.” I soon felt strengthened and made my way to the St. Louis Planned Parenthood to witness against child-killing. When I came home, I felt much lighter and more energetic... Then this morning, I noticed a welcomed attitude change: I am enjoying my work again and thanking God for it.
If you are going through similar trials, please know this is not something strange, but may very well be a part of your Christian growth. Here are some links to help you:
The first link is to two sermons by Andrew Quigley: “Why we have ‘Black Days’! and “Conquering the ‘Black Days’!”
The second link is to the on-line book Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners by John Bunyan which I read this past summer:
Please be blessed and encouraged!
For His Glory,
Angela Wittman, editor
Christian Liberty News
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