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Showing posts from November, 2008

Thank You

Dear Friends, I am amazed at the changes taking place in my family and even within my own heart/attitude. The LORD is truly showing Himself to be kind and merciful in the Wittman household. If you have been praying for me and my family, I want to say “thank you.” Since I left the Constitution Party in early 2005, I have been going through a time of spiritual growth which has had its ups and downs. The best way to describe it is as a “wall” was blocking my view and sometimes I felt quite alone and in the dark. I always knew the LORD was with me, but I was not seeing quite as clearly (or hearing quite as plainly) as when I was a new believer. Yet, I also knew that the LORD was taking me through a time of growth. As a new believer, this thought would periodically come to me: “You can serve God and praise Him in good times, but what will you do when hard times come?” I would then think: “LORD willing, I will still praise His Name as He is my strength... Lord, please make me able to stand i...