"The answer to ending legalized child-murder-by-abortion has been staring the pro-life movement in the face for over 34 years. The answer is right in the text of the Roe decision itself. Legal 'personhood' at fertilization, WITH NO EXCEPTIONS, is the "sword" which slices through the "Gordian knot" of the three decades long, and 50 MILLION deaths, of America's abortion holocaust.”
(Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary and lobbyist for the Right to Life Act of South Carolina, February 16, 2007)
This editorial is written in defense of the innocent preborn children who have become the most persecuted human beings in America. It has been said that the most dangerous place to be in America today is a mother’s womb. It is estimated that 24% of all pregnancies end in abortion, including spontaneous miscarriages; and from 1973 through 2002 more than 42 million legal surgical abortions have occurred.(1)
This year there have been 8 states to propose banning abortions: Alabama (SB 59), Colorado (SB 143), Georgia (HB 1), Montana (HB 403), North Dakota (HB 1466 and 1489), South Carolina (H 3284 and S. 313), Texas (HB 175 and SB 186) and Virginia (HB 2797). (2)
Most pro-life groups have taken an incremental strategy and support passing regulations and/or restrictions for abortion. It has been reported that in the 1990’s the states passed legislation which has possibly contributed to a drop in abortions of approximately 18%. (3) But in the long run, I believe these incremental laws will be used as a means to keep abortion “safe” and “legal” as it becomes more codified and further entrenched in state legislation.
In our defense of the innocent, let’s not sacrifice principle for short term gains. Instead, let’s have a long term goal of establishing justice for the preborn through the proposal and passage of legislation which acknowledges personhood from the moment of fertilization. You can help win the “abortion war” by calling your legislators, writing editorials, participating in sidewalk counseling and protests at Planned Parenthood (and other abortion providers) and through organizing and supporting Christian pregnancy help centers.
Let us not forget “…rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.” (Romans 13: 3, 4 KJV)
I pray we will say this about America one day soon. Amen.
1. Facts on Induced Abortion in the United States May, 2006, Guttmacher Institute.
2. State Bills Banning Abortions April 4, 2007, Steve Lefemine, Covenantnews.com.
3. Using Natural Experiments to Analyze the Impact of State Legislation on the Incidence of Abortion January 23, 2006, page 1, Michael J. New, Ph.D., Heritage Foundation
Copyright 2007, Angela Wittman
(Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary and lobbyist for the Right to Life Act of South Carolina, February 16, 2007)
This editorial is written in defense of the innocent preborn children who have become the most persecuted human beings in America. It has been said that the most dangerous place to be in America today is a mother’s womb. It is estimated that 24% of all pregnancies end in abortion, including spontaneous miscarriages; and from 1973 through 2002 more than 42 million legal surgical abortions have occurred.(1)
This year there have been 8 states to propose banning abortions: Alabama (SB 59), Colorado (SB 143), Georgia (HB 1), Montana (HB 403), North Dakota (HB 1466 and 1489), South Carolina (H 3284 and S. 313), Texas (HB 175 and SB 186) and Virginia (HB 2797). (2)
Most pro-life groups have taken an incremental strategy and support passing regulations and/or restrictions for abortion. It has been reported that in the 1990’s the states passed legislation which has possibly contributed to a drop in abortions of approximately 18%. (3) But in the long run, I believe these incremental laws will be used as a means to keep abortion “safe” and “legal” as it becomes more codified and further entrenched in state legislation.
In our defense of the innocent, let’s not sacrifice principle for short term gains. Instead, let’s have a long term goal of establishing justice for the preborn through the proposal and passage of legislation which acknowledges personhood from the moment of fertilization. You can help win the “abortion war” by calling your legislators, writing editorials, participating in sidewalk counseling and protests at Planned Parenthood (and other abortion providers) and through organizing and supporting Christian pregnancy help centers.
Let us not forget “…rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.” (Romans 13: 3, 4 KJV)
I pray we will say this about America one day soon. Amen.
1. Facts on Induced Abortion in the United States May, 2006, Guttmacher Institute.
2. State Bills Banning Abortions April 4, 2007, Steve Lefemine, Covenantnews.com.
3. Using Natural Experiments to Analyze the Impact of State Legislation on the Incidence of Abortion January 23, 2006, page 1, Michael J. New, Ph.D., Heritage Foundation
Copyright 2007, Angela Wittman
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