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Encouragement for Today: 'Living or dying we are the LORD's'

  Please be encouraged by today's  Daily Checkbook devotional by Charles Haddon Spurgeon posted at The fear of the LORD prolongeth days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened — Proverbs 10:27 There is no doubt about it. The fear of the LORD leads to virtuous habits, and these prevent that waste of life which comes of sin and vice. The holy rest which springs out of faith in the LORD Jesus also greatly helps a man when he is ill. Every physician rejoices to have a patient whose mind is fully at ease. Worry kills, but confidence in God is like healing medicine. We have therefore all the arrangements for long life, and if it be really for our good, we shall see a good old age and come to our graves as shocks of corn in their season. Let us not be overcome with sudden expectation of death the moment we have a fingerache, but let us rather expect that we may have to work on through a considerable length of days. And what if we should soon be called to the...

Our Home: A Bit of History of Cook Station, Missouri

Entrance to our home on Burley Ridge Rd, Cook Station, MO We moved to historic Cook Station in September of 2020 after my husband retired. At the time I was caring for my father who suffered from Alzheimer's Disease, plus we were in the beginning of the COVID crisis. It was a challenging time, but the friendliness of the people here and the natural beauty surrounding us made the transition go much smoother.  Historic Barn near Cook Station, MO The information posted below is from USGenWeb and was written in 1972 by James Ira Breuer: Villages of Crawford County, Missouri - COOK STATION Cook Station had its beginning with the building of the railroad along the Meramec Valley toward Salem in 1872-73. Several years before this Christopher C. Cook and wife had moved from Dent County and settled at the present site of the village. The Civil War came and Christopher enlisted in the Confederate Army where he served first as a private in Company F. Fifth Missouri Cavalry, and later raised ...

Encouragement for Today: 'Come, LORD, and set free Thy captives, according to Thy Word'

The title of this post is taken from today's  Daily Checkbook devotional by Charles Haddon Spurgeon, who was probably the first reformed theologian I was exposed to as a young believer.  I remember reading his little book "Morning and Evening" and being amazed at the love of God it contained. I simply couldn't wait to read what each morning and evening selection held for me. They truly were the highlight of my day! Please be encouraged by today's Daily Checkbook selection as posted at Sermon Audio : For now will I break his yoke from off thee, and will burst thy bonds in sunder — Nahum 1:13 The Assyrian was allowed for a season to oppress the LORD's people, but there came a time for his power to be broken. So, many a heart is held in bondage by Satan and frets sorely under the yoke. Oh, that to such prisoners of hope the word of the LORD may come at once, according to the text, "Now will I break his yoke from off thee, and will burst thy bonds in sund...

What does Scripture have to say about the 'Toxic'?

  As Christians in this world we will have to deal with wicked people which are often referred to in our culture as "toxic."  Toxic people can be found at your workplace, in your neighborhood, as part of your church and even in your family. How do we as Christians with a high set of standards deal with these tormented souls? Let's take a look at Scripture and see what insight we can glean from the Author and Finisher of our faith . Psalm 37 (KJV) tells us what the end of the wicked (or toxic) is and how God deals with them. Please also notice that we're instructed not to fret or worry about them, but instead to rest in the Lord for He sees what they do and will avenge His people:  Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also i...

Healing for the Broken Hearted

 Mayo Clinic tells us there is a physical ailment called Broken Heart Syndrome : Broken heart syndrome is a heart condition that's often brought on by stressful situations and extreme emotions. The condition also can be triggered by a serious physical illness or surgery. Broken heart syndrome is often a temporary condition. But some people may continue to feel unwell after the heart is healed. What causes Broken Heart Syndrome? Extreme reaction to a physical or emotional event: An intense physical or emotional event often comes before broken heart syndrome. Anything that causes a strong emotional response may trigger the condition. Examples include: Sudden illness such as an asthma attack or COVID-19 infection. Major surgery. Sudden broken bone. Death of a loved one or other loss. Strong argument. (Source:  Broken heart syndrome - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic )  ...but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Roman 5:8 ESV)...

Is Satan Real? Here's My Story.

Is Satan real? I think so and here's my story of a frightening experience that drove me straight toward  Christ. My story begins in the early 1970's while visiting the Wisconsin Dells area with my parents, I had brought a friend on vacation with us and she and I decided to walk around the local town square while my parents shopped for food and other items for our two week camping trip at Castle Rock Lake .  Historic Juneau County Courthouse on the town square in Mauston, WI Image Source:  Juneau County Courthouse - Juneau County Courthouse - Wikipedia My friend and I were both in our early teens; but we looked older. So, we were quite flattered when some local teenaged boys sitting on the lawn of the Courthouse noticed us, and we stopped to talk to them. We told them we were from Missouri and would be camping at Castle Rock Lake for the next couple of weeks.  Source:  Castle Rock - Juneau County Government ( I explained that my dad was in the Missouri Ai...

Kent State, the Summer of 1970 and the Grace of God

  Me in 1975 - Seeking God. Al Baker recently wrote an article on the tragedy of the Kent State demonstrations and the killing of four students in May of 1970:  Four Dead in Ohio ( FORGET NONE OF HIS BENEFITS )  . I remember being 12 years-old at the time this happened and the disagreement between my father (a full-time Air National Guardsman) and myself. I could see that he was pained over the event, but he defended the soldiers who fired on the students and I was shocked at his defense of their actions. I also remember that my friends and I embraced the rebellious culture of the time and soon found ourselves acting like our "heroes;" while we were only in our early teens we became somewhat jaded and mistrusted those in authority. By the time I turned 17 years-old, I began to have a yearning in my heart to become a Christian - I wanted to become a new creation, but I didn't know how. (As a child I remember watching televangelists and reciting the "sinner's praye...

Dementia - Seeing through a glass darkly....

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.  ~1Corinthians 13.12 KJV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I came across this article by Dr. Barry York written in 2014 and posted at Gentle Reformation , which I never read until today. If you have a parent/spouse/friend etc. with dementia and you aren't certain of their salvation, please read this. I think you will find it encouraging. It gives me great hope as my father suffered from dementia before his death earlier this year and who assured me he had asked the Lord for forgiveness while being ill. Salvation in a Dementia Ward Walking down the long hospital hallway, I approached the room in the emergency area where they had told me she would be found. As I came near the door, I found a security guard sitting there. He looked at me with sympathy as I identified myself and, with a warning and sad shaking of his head, gave me permission to enter....

'An honorable legacy for their descendants'

  Originally posted on Facebook  June 11, 2020 : While researching my family tree I found that many of my ancestors in the South actually fought for the North - in fact, some had to leave Tennessee and relocate in Missouri after the War. But removing historical monuments and statues, plus banning the Confederate flag is a blatant attempt to rewrite history. Why do this? I'm proud of the adversity my ancestors experienced as it made them better people and is an honorable legacy for their descendants. ~ Angela (Somers) Wittman These sentiments are still true today. Plus, I have always admired Gen. Grant - probably due to his St. Louis connection which is where I grew up; and while reading his memoirs I am impressed with his Christian ethics in private, as well as influencing his war ethics and public endeavors. So while I cannot say that General Grant knew the Lord as his personal savior, it is apparent he had a Christian worldview and acknowledged the Providence of God in histo...

Hope and Comfort for Uvalde, Texas

By Angela Wittman Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning.  ~Psalm 30, Verse 5 (NKJV) Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. ~Romans 12, Verse 15 (NKJV) As Christians, we are called to offer hope to a dying world and that hope is Jesus Christ. We are to pray, show compassion and to weep with the brokenhearted. But as followers of Christ, we also know with certainty that we have a Christian hope to be reunited with our loved ones who have died in the Lord, and that hope is to be shared with those grieving.  I sincerely pray that we will be lights shining in this dark world and that we will rise to the occasion by offering comfort and the blessed hope only found in Christ Jesus. News Links:  Outrage at Shooting Uvalde, Texas  (Veritas Domain - The Domain for Truth) SBTC dispatches ministers in wake of Uvalde elementary school shooting  (Baptist Press) Gunman Kills 19 Children in Texas School Rampage  (AP - CBN)...