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A Royal Love

By Angela Wittman 'Live still to die, that by death you may purchase eternal life...' 'Forasmuch as you have desired so simple a woman to write in so worthy a book, good Master Lieutenant, therefore I shall as a friend desire you, and as a Christian require you, to call upon God to incline your heart to His laws, to quicken you in His ways, and not to take the word of truth utterly out of your mouth. Live still to die, that by death you may purchase eternal life: and remember how the end of Methusael who shall read in Scripture was the longest liver that was of man, died at last: for, as the preacher says, that there a time to be born and a time to die; and the day of death is better than the day of our birth.' Yours, as the Lord knoweth as a friend, Jane Duddeley. (1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While reading these words written by Lady Jane Grey to Sir John Brydges, I cannot help but marvel at the love and compassion she had for others right before her death. We do not read of h...

Kiss the Son

By Angela Wittman Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. (Psalm 2:12, KJV) Dear Friends, This essay is about laying a good, solid Christian foundation for our nation. Many of you may believe that we already have a good Christian foundation in America, and the proof is found in our national Constitution, which was written by our Founding Fathers. You may have prayed for our national leaders to follow it, in order for "We the People" to be put back in charge of America. Perhaps you have thought that if only our liberties were still protected, and our rights secured, we would once more be the shining city upon a hill for the whole world to see. As individuals we would once more be independent and unjust laws would no longer violate our freedoms. If you have kept copies of articles I have written in the past, you will find these very same beliefs and thoughts expressed i...

A Meek and Quiet Spirit

By Angela Wittman Dear Friends, This essay is written for today's conservative Christian women who are strong, smart, capable and doing a man's job. Yes, I said doing a man's job. I can remember as a new Christian hearing women in the church complaining that men weren't doing their job, and the women were having to do it for them. Then I also saw many of the Christian women whom I admired, lose their husbands and families to divorce. You may have read the Barna Group's most recent poll results concerning Christians and divorce: "Although many Christian churches attempt to dissuade congregants from getting a divorce, the research confirmed a finding identified by Barna a decade ago (and further confirmed through tracking studies conducted each year since): born again Christians have the same likelihood of divorce as do non-Christians. Among married born again Christians, 35% have experienced a divorce. That figure is identical to the outcome among married adults...

It's a Baby!

By Angela Wittman Dear Friends, Have you heard the lie that when a woman is in the early stages of pregnancy the baby she is carrying is not viable, and is nothing more than a blood clot or a clump of cells? This is the picture those who profit from the murder of children while in the womb try to paint. They do this to dehumanize the child, and to deceive the ignorant into thinking they are not performing a heinous crime, but a necessary “procedure” on behalf of poor, helpless women. My prayer is to help shine light on this darkness, which is destroying our nation. I often see fathers and mothers drive into Planned Parenthood staring straight ahead as though we are not visible to them while standing on the sidewalk with our literature and signs. They often avert their eyes in an effort to avoid seeing the pictures of an aborted baby, which has been torn apart, and to also not make eye contact with us, as we are a witness to the murder of their child. I also see women covering their eye...

Healthcare: A Right or a Privilege?

By Angela Wittman We all have loved ones who we want the very best healthcare for. Who of us wants to see a family member, or friend do without healthcare, whether it is preventative or in response to an illness or emergency? This essay will attempt to deal with this very emotional issue from the perspective that healthcare is actually a privilege in the sense that it is not the responsibility of government to provide healthcare for us. It is our responsibility to have the means to pay for our own healthcare, and the healthcare of our family. According to the Declaration of Independence written in 1776, we see that our rights are endowed upon us by our Creator. The rights granted us include life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It then goes on to say that to “secure these rights, governments are instituted by men.” This means that government is to secure our rights, which come from God, but it is not to supply these rights, as would be the case with socialized medicine. Some nat...

400,000 Frozen Human Embryos

By Angela Wittman Dear Friends, I remember as a child spending lazy summer afternoons reading The Adventures of Superman, and other science fiction comic books with my older brother. We would save up our allowance, and my brother would walk to the local quick shop to buy us ice cream bars and comic books. I can also remember the time he regretfully bought the most gruesome comic about some mad scientist conducting experiments on unsuspecting human beings. We both agreed the comic was a waste of money, and not to our liking at all... It never entered my mind that I would see a similar horror story become reality as an adult. I am referring to the barbaric Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act passed in Congress by a vote of 238 - 194. One can only wonder what our Representatives are thinking? This act allows approximately 400,000 frozen human being embryos to be used for research. It reminds me of some old black and white jungle movie where a cannibalistic tribe captures unsuspecting...

Street Report from Forest Park and Boyle Avenues, St. Louis, Missouri

May 25, 2005 Dear Pro-life friends, Praise the LORD for Mike Kaul, the man who stands in front of Planned Parenthood in St. Louis on Wednesdays as he is a street minister. He is teaching me how to share the Gospel on the streets. Also, another woman will soon be joining us on Wednesday afternoons at PP. I am glad of this. We can use all the help the LORD sends, especially between 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. We are in need of literature to distribute; if you happen to have some extra pro-life brochures, they will be most appreciated and used wisely. I also need some information for the women in my classes. You can contact me for my address. Today was a slow day at PP (praise the LORD); I was admonished by the director of PP to not get on their grass. : ) I think their losing 4 clients last week must have aggravated her a bit. I am wearing my scrubs to witness, as more cars will stop for literature. Mike's signs are very powerful as the women driving in actually cover their eyes! Two black wome...