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American Covenanters and Abolitionism

"Am I Not a Man and a Brother?" 1787 medallion designed by Josiah Wedgwood for the British anti-slavery campaign Source: Wikipedia Editor's Note: This is a revision of a ten part series published in 2011 called " Covenanters and Slavery. " I'm revising it with the hope the reader will see that abolition is a Christian calling, whether it be the abolition of slavery or abolishing the prenatal murder of innocent human beings. God's people are always called to resist evil and the predominant evil of our age is the holocaust of the preborn. - AW RPCNA and Slavery While researching the history of the (RPCNA) Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America and abolition of slavery, I found these excerpts from on-line resources which report the RPCNA's history of the abolition of slavery officially began in the year 1800: Perhaps the most enduring change during the 19th century involved participation in social reform movements. One cause favored by th

Pornography and the Heart

The woman caught in adultery. ( John 8: 1-11 ) Dear Friends, This recent  article rightly points to pornography as a factor to an increasingly lax attitude toward marital infidelity among younger adults: In July, Ashley Madison—the infamous cheating website whose 37 million clients were exposed by a hacker last year—launched a new ad campaign aimed at rebranding the commercialization of infidelity. According to The Atlantic , the changes include a new tagline—from the in-your-face, “life is short, have an affair,” to the perhaps more subtle, “Find your moment.” The company’s president explained the rebrand as an effort to “evolve, grow and attune to modern sexuality in 2016.”  While Ashley Madison’s creators might be trying to revamp the public image of cheating-for-hire, the vast majority of American adults still disapprove of cheating on a spouse. But that might be changing among younger generations, according to new research from Paul Hemez at the National Center for Family and Ma

Please care enough to read this...

By Angela Wittman " The PCA’s Nine Declarations Against The Federal Vision (2007)   In light of the controversy surrounding the NPP and FV, and after many months of careful study, the committee unanimously makes the following declarations: ... Dr. R. Scott Clark of the Heidelblog has posted "The PCA's Nine Declarations Against the Federal Vision" and I believe it is worth your time to read it. Perhaps you think the Federal Vision is a harmless teaching or it's not that important anymore, but when is it ever permissible for Christians to waffle on God's truth or tolerate false teaching? Is this how we show love for one another by tolerating evil? Shouldn't we follow Biblical example and warn others (especially those of the House of God) of false teachers? Please read Dr. Clark's article including the comment section - it's very enlightening! I live near the St. Louis area and I am familiar with some of the pastors mentioned. I've also visite

A Den of Satan

Barack Obama speaking to Planned Parenthood (Image from Wintery Knight ) Dear Friends, I want to direct your attention to an article posted at Wintery Knight regarding Barack Obama's administration and recent demands on hospitals: Obama administration orders all hospitals to perform abortions and sex changes  . After reporting on these wicked orders, the author gives his opinion, which I wholeheartedly agree with: Right now, we live in a time where health care is under the control of the federal government. Many, many people of faith voted for a secular government to be in control of health care. They thought that it would be more “fair” than letting people control health care at the state or local level. Now they are finding out what happens when you let a big secular government take over huge parts of the economy. There are people of faith working in hospitals. If only their employer forced them to do a sex change or an abortion, they could move to another employer, perhaps in an