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Showing posts from June, 2022

'An honorable legacy for their descendants'

  Originally posted on Facebook  June 11, 2020 : While researching my family tree I found that many of my ancestors in the South actually fought for the North - in fact, some had to leave Tennessee and relocate in Missouri after the War. But removing historical monuments and statues, plus banning the Confederate flag is a blatant attempt to rewrite history. Why do this? I'm proud of the adversity my ancestors experienced as it made them better people and is an honorable legacy for their descendants. ~ Angela (Somers) Wittman These sentiments are still true today. Plus, I have always admired Gen. Grant - probably due to his St. Louis connection which is where I grew up; and while reading his memoirs I am impressed with his Christian ethics in private, as well as influencing his war ethics and public endeavors. So while I cannot say that General Grant knew the Lord as his personal savior, it is apparent he had a Christian worldview and acknowledged the Providence of God in histo...