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Showing posts from February, 2019

Donald Trump and the Westminster Confession of Faith

By Angela Wittman Yesterday during the Michael Cohen testimony before the House Oversight Committee  a comment was made on Twitter by a Reformed Christian to the effect that voting for and supporting a man like Donald Trump, even though he has moral "failings" is taught to be ethical behavior by John Calvin and the Westminster Divines. The comment was not directed toward me, but as I'm reformed and have studied the WCF for over almost 2 decades, I asked where this was at so I could look it up myself. I was directed to my favorite chapter of the Westminster Confession of Faith, (XXIII), and specifically to section IV. Here is what Chapter XXIII, section IV of the Westminster Confession of Faith says regarding the Civil Magistrate: IV. It is the duty of people to pray for magistrates, [8] to honor their persons, [9] to pay them tribute or other dues, [10] to obey their lawful commands, and to be subject to their authority, for conscience' sake. [11] Infid...