By Angela Wittman As we approach November 6 th and the 2012 elections, the Christian would do well to ask what the Biblical qualifications for leaders are and then apply these principles to those seeking public office. A good resource for those seeking to bring glory to God in the political arena and the voting booth is the book Explicitly Christian Politics , published by Christian Statesman Press and edited by William O. Einwechter. In the Appendix of Explicitly Christian Politics on pages 256 and 257 under the heading The Scriptures Require Moral and Religious, not Ecclesiastical, Qualifications and Duties of Civil Officers is this list of qualifications with Scripture proofs that one can use to measure the Biblical qualifications of candidates seeking their vote: Civil rulers are ministers of God, deriving all just authority ultimately from Him ( Prov. 8:15-16 ; Rom. 13:4-6 ). Civil officers hold their trust from God, through the people, to protect and enforce right, and res...
"Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised." Prov. 30:31 KJV