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Showing posts from August, 2005

A Royal Love

By Angela Wittman 'Live still to die, that by death you may purchase eternal life...' 'Forasmuch as you have desired so simple a woman to write in so worthy a book, good Master Lieutenant, therefore I shall as a friend desire you, and as a Christian require you, to call upon God to incline your heart to His laws, to quicken you in His ways, and not to take the word of truth utterly out of your mouth. Live still to die, that by death you may purchase eternal life: and remember how the end of Methusael who shall read in Scripture was the longest liver that was of man, died at last: for, as the preacher says, that there a time to be born and a time to die; and the day of death is better than the day of our birth.' Yours, as the Lord knoweth as a friend, Jane Duddeley. (1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While reading these words written by Lady Jane Grey to Sir John Brydges, I cannot help but marvel at the love and compassion she had for others right before her death. We do not read of h...

Kiss the Son

By Angela Wittman Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. (Psalm 2:12, KJV) Dear Friends, This essay is about laying a good, solid Christian foundation for our nation. Many of you may believe that we already have a good Christian foundation in America, and the proof is found in our national Constitution, which was written by our Founding Fathers. You may have prayed for our national leaders to follow it, in order for "We the People" to be put back in charge of America. Perhaps you have thought that if only our liberties were still protected, and our rights secured, we would once more be the shining city upon a hill for the whole world to see. As individuals we would once more be independent and unjust laws would no longer violate our freedoms. If you have kept copies of articles I have written in the past, you will find these very same beliefs and thoughts expressed i...