By Angela Wittman Dear Friends, Have you heard the lie that when a woman is in the early stages of pregnancy the baby she is carrying is not viable, and is nothing more than a blood clot or a clump of cells? This is the picture those who profit from the murder of children while in the womb try to paint. They do this to dehumanize the child, and to deceive the ignorant into thinking they are not performing a heinous crime, but a necessary “procedure” on behalf of poor, helpless women. My prayer is to help shine light on this darkness, which is destroying our nation. I often see fathers and mothers drive into Planned Parenthood staring straight ahead as though we are not visible to them while standing on the sidewalk with our literature and signs. They often avert their eyes in an effort to avoid seeing the pictures of an aborted baby, which has been torn apart, and to also not make eye contact with us, as we are a witness to the murder of their child. I also see women covering their eye...
"Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised." Prov. 30:31 KJV