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How Effective is Affective Education?

By Angela Wittman I recently read an article concerning the National Education Association and the policy changes that have been and are taking place at the National Leadership. It seems that the largest and most powerful teacher’s union is concerned with more than retirement funds, salary scales, and contracts. The article, ‘Homosexual agenda promoted by NEA?’ written by Julie Foster only confirmed what I had suspected from my knowledge of the National Education Association and our public schools while serving on a public school board in the mid to late 1990’s. Public education has shifted from learning the three R’s to conditioning young minds and promoting “values” that have many parents up in arms. This is referred to as affective education. One has only to watch the local news to see the effect it is having on our youth and the culture. What is affective education? It deals with feelings, attitudes and beliefs. The emphasis is no longer on academics or educational skills. Affectiv